Since I never really make it through these kinds of memes, I'm going through this one in one shot with no pictures. Maybe I'll do that for the other two, because I still kinda want to finish them.
01. Your favorite crossover couple (romance):
Sam Winchester/Lana Lang
Maybe this is a shock to anyone who doesn't RP with my Lana, because let's face it, I suck at crossposting those fic here. I love them, though, very dearly, how they basically have pretty much the same life and how they somehow manage to bring out the best in each other while still having the very great potential to bring out the worst. I think they both want to feel some equality in their relations with people, and I think with as much as they can identify, they can give that to each other. Even if Sam can be a stubborn, overprotective idiot. There's still some part of Lana who needs to know he's willing to be stubbornly overprotective of her, so long as he eventually lets up.
I could go on about them some more...but I won't.
a vid.
02. A crossover you wish more people were into
There's not really a crossover, but I wish more people who do Smallville crossovers would use characters other than Chloe more often. Not hating on the gal, just want to see more of the others out there.
03. Your favorite crossover based on supernatural/sci-fi shows.
Charmed/Dark Angel
Most of what I watch is supernatural/sci-fi, so I made this one a crossover between two that are very distinctly one or the other. I don't think I've ever seen the two crossed before, but I'd love to. Especially if there's some Logan/Billie in there.
04. Your favorite crossover based on comedy shows.
Honestly, I don't watch a lot of comedy shows. I think the closest thing I could get would be Pushing Daisies/Scrubs.
05. A crossover you wish that would happen for real (that a network actually did)
Why hasn't this happened? Why? ;_;
06. A crossover couple you don't like
Dean Winchester/Chloe Sullivan
I don't know what happened. Really, I don't. I used to love Dean/Chloe, but somewhere along the line, that changed. I think it might have been back when I first started writing for Chloe. I got a little too attached to the character, and back then, I wasn't so fond of Dean and wanted to keep her away from him. I guess I just never got back into it after that, even though Dean has grown on me and I'm less overprotective mother about Chloe.
07. Your favorite crossover couple (friendship)
Kira Ford + Sam Winchester
[Power Rangers Dino Thunder/Supernatural]
I've got
shipwrecking to thank for this. Years ago we had these two in an RP together, and I never would have guessed they would become as close as they did. Sure, half the time they were fighting, but I think maybe that was part of the magic.
08. A crossover fic/vid/picspam/other you recommend
I can't choose, because there are three vids that I really can't recommend enough.
Just Tonight: I'm not familiar with a lot of the fandoms/characters in this, but it's well done. The Sylar/Prue [Heroes/Charmed] part makes the vid for me.
Everything: Same as above. This time it's Tony/Lois [NCIS/Smallville] part that really gets to me.
Release Me: This has a lot more fandoms/characters I know. Dean/Prue [Supernatural/Charmed], Damon/Lois [The Vampire Diaries/Smallville], and it even made me like Spike/Elena [Buffy/The Vampire Diaries] just a little.
09. A crossover couple you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving
Dean Winchester/Lana Lang
I blame
iluvroadrunner6. Why did you do this to me? :|
10. The first crossover you liked
I guess the Disney Princesses stuff? Can you count those? As you can tell, I've always liked them, even before the internet.
Other than that, I can't remember.
11. Your guilty pleasure crossover
Kim Possible/Teen Titans
I can't really indulge because I don't think I've ever seen it anywhere, but that's it.
My OTPs in this crossover are Cyborg/Monique and Slade/Shego >.>
12. A crackship
Lorne/Lana Lang
Probably the crackiest of my ships to ever exist. The only way it will ever exist in fandom is if I ever get around to doing anything with it.
13. Your favorite crossover couple (rivals)
Clark Kent + Sam Winchester
I still want a shirtless showdown in the rain. Or something.
14. The craziest crossover you've seen
Smallville/High School Musical
Although that is more the craziest crossover I've thought of writing. Just imagine Once More, With Feeling, only more glowy green rocks.
15. A crossover couple you created (that you haven't seen anywhere else)
Bridge Carson/Chloe Sullivan
[Power Rangers S.P.D./Smallville]
deka_bright had a hand in the creation, as it was an RP couple. It was just so beautiful and cute. I will never think of Denny's the same way.
16. Your favorite crossover based on movies.
Avalon High/Halloweentown series
I don't watch a lot of movies, so this is what I came up with. It could be fun.
17. A movie/tv crossover
Charmed/Halloweentown series
I think it could be cool.
18. Your favorite crossover based on drama shows.
Just for the Tony/Lois.
19. The last crossover you started to like
Hellcats crossovers, I guess? It's the newest of my fandoms.
20. Tell us how or what introduced you to crossovers
See question 10.
21. Best idea for a crossover you've seen
I...don't know? /fails at this question
22. Mention 5 characters for a multicrossover show (doesn't matter if it makes sense just pick 5 characters you'd like to see together)
Lana Lang [Smallville]
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce [Angel]
Leo Wyatt [Charmed]
Marti Perkins [Hellcats]
Bonnie Bennett [The Vampire Diaries]
23. If you're into slash/femslash, your favorite crossover couple. If not, tell us your favorite same gender friendship couple.
Billie Jenkins/Elena Gilbert
[Charmed/The Vampire Diaries]
I think this just might be the only official Elena ship I've got.
24. First crossover obsession
Peter Petrelli/Kira Ford
[Heroes/Power Rangers Dino Thunder]
Another one of those RP things. Back then I didn't know the slightest thing about Heroes, but I loved them just the same. Seeing the first season (finally) has renewed my appreciation of them.
25. Current crossover obsession
Damon Salvatore/Bela Talbot
[The Vampire Diaries/Supernatural]
lovedbythesun's fault, and having nothing to do with Rose. I'm writing a series with them, starting with a gift I wrote for her, which will probably expand to characters other than the two of them. I love them, though.
26. If you could imagine a fight scene, which characters would be involved? (can be a one on one fight or a group fight)
I want some epic battle with the Charmed Ones, Buffy's Scoobies and Smallville's combined hero forces. I wouldn't know who or what against, but it would be amazing. Maybe throw in some Highlander Immortals.
27. A non-human crossover couple (any kind of relationship)
Clark Kent/Ruby
This...would be another crackship, but I like it, friendship or more. Go ahead and judge me, I don't care. I think there's some room for identification there, as alien as the both of them are among humans, and in a lot of ways, their own kind. That and I think he could be good for her.
28. Take your favorite crossover couple (romance) now kill one of them, describe the reaction of the one alive.
Been there, done that. Lana cried every day for like a month.
29. A crossover couple (romance) you like but think it would end badly or cause problems.
Duncan MacLeod/Lana Lang
...he's uber-Clark. In a manner of speaking.
30. A crossover you will support forever
Highlander crossovers. Really, there aren't enough. Cross it over with everything for sword-fighting justice.