I feel better than I did...even though I slept most of the evening. Hey, I stayed up the whole night before, plus I was out all day. Yes, I was OUT. YAY ME!
But this post actually has fandom content.
I signed up for four 20in20s this month. Yeah, I know, crazy. So far, I've got 13/80 done. According to my calculations, that's 16.25%. MATH. My head is coming up kind of empty for my
xovers20in20 challenge, but that's only because I have an unorthodox character this time and I can only do three icons per crossover. (Plus I really don't watch that much of anything. I usually find something I looooove and stick with it.) OH, but the actress, Emma Lahana, had a minor part in the Supernatural episode Tall Tales as Jen, the co-ed Sam interviewed toward the beginning of the episode.
I'm pleased with how my
Lucifer Rising claim is turning out, I just don't know what I'm going to do with the Food theme. Baby eating just doesn't seem very PG, ya know? But I'll think of something.
And we all know I love any claim/challenge that includes Ruby. Or Lana, but she's not too present this month. I might do Dean/Lana or Sam/Lana for
xovers20in20 next month. I can't decide. (All your fault,
I also have mixes I very much want to do. I'm addicted to this now. CRAP.