Well, I'm officially on RP hiatus for the most part, except for
lastvoyages, which I'm not going to break from unless I have to. It's the only thing I don't feel like I'm forcing right now, and even there I feel a little shaky. A breather's what I need.
In the meantime, I've taken on a few 20in20 icon challenges.
xovers20in20 - Ruby
sprntrl20in20 - Ruby (S4)
must_betuesday - Lana Lang
I'm especially excited about the crossovers. I can't make more than three icons per crossover, so I made a list of what I know well enough and could possibly do. I'll divide them up here. (Stupid lists. I make too many of them these days.)
Definite Crossovers
The Vampire Diaries
Gossip Girl
Other Crossovers
Dark Angel
Crossovers Purely for the LOLZ
Power Rangers (HAHA)
Harper's Island (Katie plays Trish)
Melrose Place (Katie again as Ella...though I don't actually watch the show)
Wildfire (Genevieve as Kris)
Making lists like this shows me that, wow, I don't watch much TV. And I'm sure there's some obvious choice I'm not even thinking of.
They'll be fun, at least, and a completely different facet of creativity to explore that might help revive me.
I hope. Words, they laugh at me.