(OOC) App Copy

Aug 25, 2009 10:36

Name- Maddin

LJ- [info]consumeraddict

Email address- on file, i think

AIM/MSN/YIM (optional)- AIM: ConsumerAddict03

Character, series- Mail "Matt" Jeevas, Death Note (Manga)

Character journal- [info]smokeandgames

Character type- Background/minor

Digimon partner- Mokumon -> Missimon -> Commandramon -> Thunderbirmon -> Gigadramon< -> Cannondramon (I want him to start with an egg, though >>;)

D-Comm colours/symbol- Black and white/An M2 in old english script/font

Imported from another RP?- nup! (journal used in rps that have since died, though)

Character appearance- (If its alright, I'll be using the fanon colors...cause I like red hair better >> If not, no big to change it).
Matt is a more or less average looking young man, or would be if not for his fashion sense. He's almost always found in a striped shirt, a vest (unless its too hot out), and goggles. He prefers to wear boots, gloves and jeans as well, but these are a bit more negotiable than the rest. Otherwise, he's got natural red hair, brown eyes, and stands 5'5" tall and weighs 115lbs.
See also: icons

Character age- 19

Character history-
Matt remembers little of his life before Whammy's--mostly just that his parents died when he was in the first grade due to a car accident. He was rushed to the hospital, but only in time for Matt to watch his mother die before his eyes. He was going to be shipped off to foster care, but as the school he had been going to and his parents had been speaking of having the boy skip a few grades Whammy's House snatched him up instead. So, at the age of 6 he was moved from his home in the US to the orphanage in Winchester, England.
At first, he attempted to make friends at Whammy's, but soon started to isolate himself with his video games. One boy seemed too stubborn to accept losing a friend--a blond haired kid who went by the nickname of Mello. This made a large impact on Matt, and the two became fast friends. Even though Mello was often less than friendly when he didn't get his way.
After Mello left Whammy's Matt found himself torn. Mello was the only person at the orphanage who he considered a /real/ friend, and Mello had left with barely a goodbye. He entered a somewhat rebellious stage--sneaking out of the house when he could and occasionally heading to pubs if he could talk his way into them. This is when he picked up smoking, though he didn't start with much regularity until he returned to the US.
Once Matt turned 18, he moved away from Whammy's house; they gave him a sizable amount of money which he used to move himself to New York City, buy a nice car, and set up an apartment. From there he found the money did not stay, and started struggling to stay afloat by working as an unlicensed PI or simply stealing things when needed. His life remained pretty stagnant until Mello called him out of the blue for help.
Without really thinking, Matt dropped his life in NYC and rushed to help his old friend recover from being blown up and track down Kira. While Matt did not fully agree with Mello's methods or his rivalry with Near, he trusted the blond enough to follow his orders. Up to and including going into a situation where--deep in the back of his mind--he knew he probably wouldn't come back from.
On January 26th, 2010, Mello and Matt put into motion what would be the final phase of Mello's plans to stop Kira. With Matt serving as a distraction, Mello would kidnap Takada. Matt successfully managed to get the attention of Takada's bodyguards...but was unable to out maneuver them. In the end, he was gun downed in the middle of the street with not so much as an attempt to speak his part.

Character personality- Matt is generally a lazy guy, but certain things (or people) can manage to get him to get off his ass and do something. Mostly this involves him being shown that whatever's being done is really worth fighting for or a true friend...but he doesn't make friends all that well, so the ones he has he tends to be fiercely loyal to. He tends to stick to himself, so can be a bit awkward in social situations. Really, Matt would prefer staying home and playing video games to just about everything else--not that that's always possible. If he sees the need to break his habits to try and fix a problem or figure something out he'll do so, but is not very comfortable with it. Even in a crowd he tends to keep himself somewhat isolated.
Normally he tends to be pretty happy, though is occasionally prone to bouts of depression and/or shutting himself off from others. He can also turn serious as if at the flip of a switch if the situation demands it...however if the situation doesn't keep his attention he has a hard time staying that way. If allowed, Matt will smoke and/or play his gameboy while doing just about anything else.
Though he's usually much to lazy to show it, Matt is actually quite intelligent. He tends to pick things up and work through problems quicker than (most) other people do. If he starts on a problem, he's rarely content to let it go. Matt has a dislike for unfinished puzzles and unanswerable questions.

Digimon personality- In her younger forms, and to some extent in her child form, Commandramon relies entirely on her tamer for support and protection. As she evolves and gets stronger, she feels it her place to protect her human (and perhaps grows a bit overprotective in later stages). She thinks all digimon should be protecting their humans, and will not react kindly to those who do not (without obvious good reason, of course).
Commandramon is normally rather shy, often still hiding socially behind her human (which works ever so well with Matt's social retardation >>) even when she doesn't need to do so physically, and prefers to speak quietly, or not at all, when she can. She does, however, subscribe to the "speak softly and carry a big stick" attitude, and is not afraid to back up her or her human's words (assuming she's child or above at the time). She views things in a rather militaristic method, which can lead to missing out on shades of grey, and expects a disciplined attitude from those around her.

Character abilities- No special powers ;;
Matt has high intelligence, observational skills, and creativity. He's trained in most aspects of computers (but lacking some in the 'putting things together' part) and surveillance equipment, and seems to have an aptitude for them. He's also rather knowledgeable about fixing up automobiles, has basic first aid training, and is good with a gun.
When he actually gets close to someone, he's fiercely loyal--but that may be a weakness as well.

Sample RP-
The first thing he noticed was that he was cold. That seemed to fit well enough, really. It didn't surprise him that death was so cold. It seemed to make more sense than hellfire, at least. The second thing he noticed was that he was breathing. Which seemed really out of place. The third thing he noticed was that the weight on his chest was not really normal. This was mostly made obvious when it rolled off him and landed with a soft thud on the ground beside him.
That was odd, at least. Though Matt wasn't really sure what he had been expecting.
He moaned a bit and slowly opened his eyes, sitting up and peering to whatever it was that he had somehow managed to drop. It appeared to be a large egg...but that didn't make any...
Matt pushed his goggles up on his forehead and rubbed his eyes, then frowned. The landscape was still the same...large field of undisturbed snow, large, blurry shapes that might be mountains or a town in the distance, and a strange egg sitting next to him.
"This is...just what the hell is this?"


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