May 19, 2006 03:18
I am starting to get very excited about auditioning for/dancing at F (what I shall call the club my friend works at). I know, in my last post I was more interested in working at GC (the other one), but after reading some comment reviews for F, I think I would be more comfortable there.
I heard back from one of the dancers at GC that 90% of their money is made through lap dances. 90%! However, I've heard that lap dances at F are "lame" and "hard to get" and not many of the girls are willing, and that you have to ask them as they come around the bar after their set (which means they dont have to advertise them). This is bad for the customers, but sounds great for me, since I really just want to focus on my stage dancing, plus the guys will be more inclined to spend money on stage sets if they arent being hustled into 10 lapdances instead.
Wow, reading that it sounds like I've been working already!
I heard back from C., the club owner about my ride and I getting in under the age limit, and he said it would be alright provided he doesnt sit at the bar. He also said he was in charge of the hiring, and would be there late Friday and Saturday, so those would be the best times to audition. I'd like to check out the club Friday night and audition Saturday, if possible. I'm ready to do this! I want to start making money so I can start investing it. There are a lot of stage clothes I'd like to start buying. I also want to get a full body tan, and maybe my hair straightened again.
Well, I took a day off from the studio (against my desires). My spirit was willing, but my body was broken. I thought I was so yesterday, oh man. Today I couldnt move an inch without pain. But I'm hoping my muscles will have healed up more by tomorrow, I want to go twice, first to the harder class, second for the beginner. Since it's Friday and only 5 bucks a class, I want to take advantage of that and work on my fireman and pinwheel spin (maybe learn another one too). I also want to practice a choreographed routine so I can have it down pat for my audition.
Tomorrow is going to be an expensive day. 10 bucks for classes, around 45 for shoes, 8 for wristbands, and 10-15 for hair stuff (I have to find a way to make my hair look sexy) and who knows how much for body makeup! This is why I'm so eager to audition. I need $$$!
V, here I come, possibly sooner than both of us expected!