If somebody would beat the shit out of my uncle right now, that would be kick ass.

May 06, 2005 02:07

Going to that concert allowed me to escape this, miserable thing I like to call reality only lasted until I get home.


I cannot wait until I get out of here, yet at the same time, I am horrified of that day catching up to me. What will I do? Where will I go? Will I even go anywhere? Drama is what it all is, and I will not lie, I blame most of it on my sister. Maybe it's not the real cause of all this bullshit but she is about, 85% of the problem. If only you could be around her for a day, or live with her. Then you would have the slightest idea of what I mean. My fucking uncles don't help either. All they do is sit around bitching about Betty bitching. What good does that do? Nothing. I do the same thing, I admit, but I don't mumble or talk under my breath... about everybody. They sit around, drink, watch tv, make the fucking house smell, piss/shit on thierselves, and talk shit. I have a throbbing headache as of now. I wonder if me bitching about all of this is being hypocritical in anyway? If so...

then Jesus fucking Christ, I am a goddamn hypocrite.

Besides that, the concert was probably the best thing to ever happen to me in my life. I rocked out, and the best part about it was, I didn't care or feel embarrassed. It sounds lame to say, and maybe it is, but I don't care. I had fun. That's the least I can do once in a while is to have some fucking fun. Hell, Im 16 and all I do is sit around in this hell hole all day, smoking pot, watching tv, getting on here, bitching. I guess I really am no worse then my so called uncles. Maybe one day I will not be so confused about everything, and actually find a place in life. Right now, I have all of these emotions stirring inside of me and I try to vent them but it can never come out right. I just wish somebody could be me for a day, then everything would be so much easier.

Of course, I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way, which is good. Okay, time to hit the sack and wake up tomorrow, which won't be different from any other day.

[God... what is it about me and Green Day? I have this burning desire to meet them, yet at the same time I know if I ever got the chance I would probably be a puss about it and be too 'shy' and not do it. But who knows? Jeez, I am pathetic.]
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