(no subject)

Jul 03, 2006 02:01

i got a job :) its close to my house, so i can walk, which is awesome since i own 0 automobiles. its what i see as the best job i could get within walking distance... and best of all i like it... i actually look forward to going in each day i work. the people i work with are nice for the most part, even tho they arent very helpful training wise... the work isnt to hard, and the money is pretty good. also, it is really great never having to worry about being dopesick at work, or having to call out because of it. first time i havent had that luxery in fucking 2 years.

so lately ive been working...

got to have some fun on friday... went and watched movies/talked/walked/drove/questioned sanity with heather and joe. spent the night over there... felt like i was at a sleep over or something from middle school.

got a lot of super bad news lately... zach and his car crash and ross dieing from an overdose. i really dont understand why the really fucked up shit happens to people who have never hurt anyone in their lives... if there is a god, he is a cruel mother fucker.

i got a new cell phone, which is kinda nice... even tho its is the shittest phone imaginable. still have the same number 6089115

oh yeh, something to add to the list of things that really piss me off:
Caller ID is completely useless if someone calls you from a calling card!
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