Fourteen... Was... A NUMBER!

Jun 21, 2007 18:55

Ladies and gentlemen of the friend's list, I am in a conundrum.

You see, I have severe laziness A.D.D., and thus am annoyingly disorganized and messy. Don't believe me? Look under the LJ cut and gasp at how messy my room is.

But, friends, that is why I'm posting. How am I supposed to beat the scourge of Attention Deficit Disorder and get that craphole cleaned up? It is mostly clothes and desks with random crap strewn on them, however... HELP. PLEASE. I shall give you virtual cookies and a spot of authority once world domination is mine.

I will post pictures, recording the progress in my room. Here're the first pictures... Of the ROOM OF MESSINESS! OOOH! (Kinda large-ish. I dunno if you should bring a gameboy or not, depends on your internet provider. Also, yes, that is a Sega Genesis. Hooray old systems!)

(Camera credited to my sister, who has no idea that I have it.)

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