Mar 11, 2007 23:26
I've been just DYING to sat this.
MY LJ looks like ice cream. It's causing cravings, man. CRAVINGS. I now long for a big bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. For realz.
CURSE YOU LJ! CURSE YOU! *fistshake*
By the by, I was looking on LJ *I JUST LURVE TEH ACRONYM, DON'T I?* and saw this community where everyone's gonna read a few Harry Potter chapters a day and finish all the books by the time the last one comes out. It got me thinking ' Maybe I should do that, but not with people'
So, starting whenever I damn well feel like it, I'm gonna reread the entire Harry Potter series. HUZZAH!
And when the hell is PotC 3 coming out?! Watching Dead Man's Chest today got me excruciatingly annoyed that I have to WAIT to see Jack Sparrow *s'cuse me, CAPTAIN JAck Sparrow* in a new, nutty adventure. Curses...