I want to be asked questions. Ugh. Ask me something! Anything, anytime. La la la.
Everyone at my school have got colds and it's raining without interruption outside. Yet our teachers wanted to drag us out to that bleeding lake that we were supposed to go to some weeks ago. Sophia and I went to the 1891 mall and sat outside of Jack & Jones and
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Hm! I think i have that song, but i can't remember what it sounds like, i'll have to give it another listen! And haha, yes, of course The Libertines. :D
Wow that's really cool that You're close to your dad. :D Ooh, i saw my Zach today (Thursday)! He passed by my friends and i while we were eating and we smiled at each other. I wish i could talk to him again, but i barely see him, and usually not when either of us is by ourselves.
I've never had it, i wonder if they have it here at all. Is it plain chocolate, or does it have something in it?
Oh yes, i know! I love the Shire. I think i might like the first movie the best, just because i love seeing the Shire and Lothlórien and Rivendell, they're so beautiful. I love the other movies too, but they're mostly fighting, i like pretty things better.. :P
Hm..what does "cover of doom" mean? What's the context of the word?
I think i would like that about You too. :D
Surprisingly, i've never seen that movie! I probably should some time. But Amélie, that's one of my three favourites. :D I love details as well, which is why i like knowing your answers to these questions like i said. :)
So Harry Martinson is a poet? Perhaps when i become fluent in Swedish (!), i can read his stuff. Although, i'm not much of a poetry fan, but You make his stuff sound so wonderful. And i love Tolkien!! :D
Maybe i can visit there when i go to Sweden, whenever that will be (sometime soon i hope!), it sounds lovely. Aww, that's sweet about your grandparents. :D
It's just plain chocolate, but it's MORE than just plain chocolate ;) I don't think they have it in the US, think it's a Swedish thing (although there is a Norwegian chocolate brand that has the same layout but different brand and slightly different taste). But try it if you come over here some time!
Haha, I know what you mean! It just gets darker and darker throughout the whole movie and Shire is so contrasted to all of that. Pretty things = love!
Uhm, I don't know how to explain! I don't even know exactly what it's supposed to mean, but in my mind it's just a ... I don't know, it means something to me (perhaps subconsiously) that is extremely difficult to explain.
Harry Martinson is (or, rather, was) both a poet and an author, but he's the one person that got me into poetry at all. I'm not much of a poetry-fan either, but with him it clicked totally and I was so stunned and amazed.
Hm, yeah i know what You mean about hard to explain..maybe i'll understand it for myself someday.
You know, i'm not sure i know your name..seems like i might've seen it once but now i forget it. Va heter Du, hm? Min namn är Jordanna, om Du vet inte. My Swedish friend Björn (not a real-life friend..actually, i haven't seen him in forever, i miss him!) would spell it "Djordanna" so he would remember to pronounce it "jor" instead of "yor". :}
I always thought Swedish O's were hard to know how to pronounce, so guess I was right ;)
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