Some people are downright superstitious when it comes to the idea of this product. Saying off the cuff remarks like it'll cause cancer or sterility. However, what they don't realize is it works the same way as WiFi does and we're bombarded with all kinds of RF and other types of "radiation" daily especially now that we have the aforementioned WiFi, Bluetooth, proprietary RF, cell phones, broadcast TV and radio, the list goes on and on.
Most animal and laboratory studies have found no evidence of an increased risk of cancer with exposure to RF radiation. They've also studied people who during the course of their work are exposed to higher than usual amounts of RF and found no evidence there either.
Then again there are people who are afraid of cell phone towers and claim.. usually anecdotally that someone they know got cancer from one. There was a group of people at my local community college making a documentary about how they believe an individual in a local community got it because they recently installed a cell phone tower in her neighborhood. Not too long ago I heard of some people in my town that where trying to block the roll out of WiFi in our town because they where phobic to it.
If you try to challenge any of those people's beliefs they'd defend it from an emotional standpoint with ad hominem arguments. It's probably because many people come at the topic of "radiation" from a standpoint of belief rather than science.
Some types of radiation ARE harmful such as X-Rays which is why they try to limit your exposure as much as they can. However, not all radiation is the same nor does it produce the same effects. Otherwise many of the products we use daily wouldn't be viable for the market.
Also, some people are more susceptible than others to things like cancer but that doesn't mean one can make a blanket statement about what causes it in them if they even know what it is. Often times even now the professionals are making the best educated guess they can.
But radiation of any kind is always a convenient scapegoat... but you have to realize is that even LIGHT is radiation. But being put under any kind of light wont automatically cause you skin cancer. It takes certain kinds of light in certain amounts or a certain duration of exposure to it.…/radiatione…/radiofrequency-radiation