What have I been up to lately? Well while I'm on my break I have been doing a lot of resting but I also have caught a couple of movies from netflix and I have started playing a multiplayer online game with a friend regularly.
The two movies I saw recently are 300 and AvP: Requiem. People are probably right that AvP: Requiem isn't a good movie but it is always nice to me to see a new story with those monsters in it. I really liked the
hand held predator rifle that was in the movie.
300 was interesting. I think it may have been a little too racy to see with the folks but otherwise it was pretty good. I almost thought that King Leonidis was going to be hollering throughout the whole thing but there where times when he didn't yell. It was also pretty intersting seeing the actress who plays the new Sarah Connor in the terminator the sarah Connor chronicles TV show as the Queen in the movie.
The game a friend of mine and I are playing together lately is Star Trek Voyager Elite Force. I generally play as Captain Janeway and she plays as 7 of 9. We typically play as a team against another team of aliens. But there is this one mode I'd like to try soon called assimilation where it's your team against a bunch of borg. Those borg like in the show can adapt to your weapons and when they kill you you switch sides until either the humans win or the borg assimilates everyone. The borg are basically like zombies in that mode and they only have one weapon and move slower than regular bots\players.. I also downloaded a bunch TOS stuff for our use in the game. Basically we get our geek on with that game.