Metallica Bad!

Sep 29, 2008 22:11

Well, it looks like Lars Ulrich the drummer from Metallica is still saying: "Interwebs" bad essentially. He's complaining that the internet gives the complainers a louder voice as they where complaining that the Metallica tracks in Rock Band sound better than the tracks on their latest CD.

I haven't liked Metallica in years. Ever since the whole Napster fiasco. I used to be a huge fan when I was in junior high. I even used to wear their t-shirts a lot. But it still amuses me when I read about things like this.... especially from comments such as this:

"People bitching on the internet about Lars bitching about people bitching...on the internet...classic!"

I'm staying away from their albums and I wouldn't even download their latest much less buy it.

interwebs, metallica, music

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