Junk that happened and stuff I found interesting...
- X-Files 2 has a name now, "X-Files: I Want To Believe" I don't know about you but I can't wait for anything new that is X-Files.
- tinyurl.com/4d7g6z the picture of scarlet johansan here looks awesome.. I need the full picture in hi-res for a destkop background!
- tinyurl.com/4gseek Update to Journal
- tinyurl.com/6o4o8u this is an interesting read. I just hope no one gets scammed by Pystar if it turns out they are fly by night.
- Someone commented: "Perhaps Apple should shift to just selling the OS."
- I would rather they make their computers more competitive if they can't stop cloners like Pystar (if they are indeed real and not too shady)
- tinyurl.com/3w5qvv scarlet and tinyurl.com/2ue87z snake-eyes are looking good in the upcoming GI Joe movie.
Until next time!
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