I like this article...

Feb 03, 2008 02:32

As some of you may know the subject of Personal Computer gaming is near and dear to me. A personal computer whether it be a Windows PC or a Mac are the main places where I play my video games. However, it seems especially lately that certain sites and publications want to spin certain news about PC sales to seem like it's the death knell for PC gaming.

But then I read an article like this and I'm glad to see that at least one other person can see what is going on and I agree with him and couldn't have said it better myself. Most people who are crying doom for PC gaming are those who have consoles and for some reason begrudge PC gamers like me from joining the fun of having new games.

There are only two that comes close to wooing me over is the PS3 because they allow you to use the keyboard and mouse for UT3 but that's just one game that supports it and I don't think many others do. The other one is Wii but that's only because of their first party games and I would have that system on the side of my personal computers... not as a replacement.
The thing for me is if I where to get a console I would want to get an awesome HD monitor\HDTV to go with it (I hate my current TV when it comes to games) which then I might as well invest that money into what I really want... and you can guess what that is. I'm also the opposite of people who prefer to sit back in their couch and play games... I like to be up close and personal in a comfy chair with the appropriate controller (KB+M, Gamepad, Fighter Stick, etc) for my games. Although one day I may setup a "Media Center" style PC with wireless peripherals...

Like I've said before... with how some people are like out there it makes me want to disown gaming and say I'm not a gamer. That way I wont have any pressure on me to conform and I can enjoy what I want.

I also still think that the only thing keeping certain genres off the PC like Fighting games (except for emulation and indy titles) is peoples misconception or false perception that the PC can't handle those titles or that it doesn't have the right peripherals for them. Most of that perception is due to ancient history. At one time the only controllers other than the keyboard and mouse or a flightstick available for the PC weren't as good as what you could find on a console.

Now the PC has more peripherals than you can shake a stick at including gamepads. Some are directly supported like the 360 controller.... ones made specifically for the PC like Saiteks and you can use console gamepads via either bluetooth (Wiimote) USB (PS3) or via an adaptor (all others). There are even authentic arcade fighter sticks for the PC and dedicated arcade cabinets made with PCs inside. I don't think the PC is lacking any peripheral needed for any game. All those peripherals can also be used on the Mac if they can be hooked to the PC. Some people even think that you can't hook up a PC to a big screen and play it from the couch but actually you can. Video cards have had TV out in them for a long time and now they support HDMI and some sets support VGA or DVI... and there are wireless peripherals.

Another reason why you don't see those sort of titles on the PC is because retailers seem to refuse to sell them. However digital distribution seems to be starting to change that it seems like a bigger variety of games are starting to be released on Steam for example. That seems to be a good place to put games that break the PC mold. I think the Mac really could use a system like Steam. Most stores don't even carry Mac games at all except for stores like CompUSA (now closed) and the Apple store (not everywhere)... whereas you can go to any Wally World and find a PC games section.

perception, pc, gaming, industry, consoles

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