This was a pretty interesting article and they may have a point about prescription drugs but I'm not sure that even they are the only thing to blame. I for example have been tried on different prescription drugs growing up and I never ever have felt like killing anyone. But when you fool around with body chemistry I can totally imagine it helping to mess up an already messed up individual. I think it's true that modern society is addicted to drugs and not just of the illegial variety. Nowadays a lot of people think that you need drugs to fix every single problem that you have and I think that's unhealthy. In fact it doesn't take much for them to put you on antidepressents all you have to is go to them and they ask you do you think you might be feeling depressed you say yes and they say well then let's try you on this.
Sometimes though people have a good reason for being depressed and I don't think it's always a good idea to just disconnect them from it.