I was telling someone today that the way the Wii remote works probably works best with games designed for it (like the new DBZ game a friend wrote about recently) and
this is a good example of what I mean. It turns out there is a problem with the Wii remote and first person shooters... there just is controllers that fit certain genres the best and the Wii remote will definitely have it's genres that it works best with. For first person shooters the keyboard and mouse is still the best control although I think it might be a good idea if you want analog control for movement to create a special keypad where depending on how hard or far down you press the up, down and strafe left and right key the faster you go. Or a joystick+mouse combo might not be a bad thing.
The Wii remote needs some kind of head mounted display in order to work in a first person shooter if they just have it setup so you actually have to turn around a full 360 in order to turn around in the game (virtual reality anyone?). There are probably a lot of older types of games that are not good for it as well and that's why they made the Wii classic controller especially for the older console emulation that is included in the console. Some people just say that people will just "have to" adjust to the Wii remote with when it comes to first person shooters though I'm like no you don't. You can use whatever you want there are choices. I also don't like them putting down people who might have a different preference.... it's mostly fanboys who do that.
I also really believe that certain control schemes suit certain games best. For FPS, strategy games and third person games that are like FPS like Alice I think mouse and keyboard is the best control. For fighting games like Soul Calibur, Tekken, Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat a fighting stick is the best just like in the arcade cabinets. For 2D platform games and shooters a gamepad is the best. For driving games a driving wheel is best. For rail shooting games a light gun is best (although I do see that the wii remote on the right side has a trigger which makes it almost like a gun). Though those are just my personal preferences I don't begrudge others from using what works best for them.
Super mario Galaxy looks like it'd work well with the remote because of changes they undoubtedly made with the game. I'm not against the Wii remote really but I'm no nintendo zealot (aka fanboy). To some I might seem like some kind of fanboy\zealot\what have you but I like PC and Mac (not just one over the other), and I don't mind consoles though I prefer to put my money into a PC\Mac. I choose not to argue with zealots because it's a futile waste of time.
"This is something that complainers frequently forgot you have to adjust to a new control scheme and that takes loosening up the rectum and more then [sic] a few minutes on a game. Someone coming fresh onto the wii fps will decimate those stuck in the past on fps."
Is it just me or does this reek of fanboyism. An average person who never played a FPS before might just end up being lost in the game spinning, going the wrong way, looking at the floor.. just like a new person with any controller and a FPS game. A person who is used to keyboard and mouse might pick up the control and do well but still prefer the keyboard and mouse. Then I wonder if this person would suggest that a new person on a Wii remote would "decimate" an experienced person who is playing with keyboard and mouse in a multiplayer game Wii vs PC. I don't think so.