Not updated this for a while so me think I'd better :p
Mam’s been away all week and is back on Saturday :(, just as I was getting and liking being on my own (and having company over but more about that later ;) ) my sister came back from her 2 week holiday in the south of France, not been up to much this week, ordered a new bed on Saturday and just have been sat on the pc since Tuesday tho I did go to the gym on Monday and will be going next week as it’s the last week I’ll get to go before Uni starts again, I’m so looking forward to Uni starting tho I might not even have my loan in time for freshers week as I still need to inform the LEA of my changes to my course and before that can happen I still need is form signed and a letter from the Uni saying they are happy for me to my final year over 2 years.
Saw Gemma yesterday and Tuesday, she came round and stayed the night :D, also saw her on the Monday she came back from the Leeds festy and again stayed the night which was good (and so where we :p) as I’d missed her a bit even tho she’d called and we’d text each other, I also went round on the Tuesday where I cooked her Tea, made her some home-made pizza and bought her a cream cake, this Tuesday we had chinese but she paid for it :( and ate the rest yesterday, not sure when I’m going to see her next as she’s working loads at the moment and my bedrooms feels a bit empty as last night it was great ;), kind of tired at the moment as I’ve been up since 5am so an early night might be in order
Not sure what else to update this with but not long till Uni starts and I can‘t wait and I have ordered a new bed as well