An excellent week!

Jul 29, 2005 11:32

It's been turning out to be a really good week for me. I think I have (finally!) turned a corner with my whole business plan thang. I had a great interview with a toy store owner down in Wilmington DE, who had a lot of good stuff, not just new stuff to consider but also stuff that works for him that also works for me!

Then, after much internal Sturm und Drang, I was able to get my very first customer survey for the store up and running on Woot! So far, we have racked up 120 responces in the last 14 hours. SurveyMonkey lets you look at the tallies in real time, and so far the grand majority of our customers are very well pleased with the store. What I find particularly touching is that about a third of the all respondents took some extra time to add personal comments (positive and negative) at the end of the survey. I think that's utterly fabulous!

As of this posting over a hundred people have taken the survey, which is great! I have really good data with which to make some important decisions for the store. According to my statistics calculations, if I can get about 400 responses, my margin of error will be less than 5%! That is Gallup poll level, so if there is anyone reading this who has not yet completed the survey, please take a minute to do so. Go to:

The power of Tyler commands you!
The power of Tyler commands you!
The power of Tyler commands you!

Go me!
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