Things 20 - 22; baked goods

Feb 23, 2009 20:01

No pictures for these...sorry!!

Thing 20 - Almond Tart
This is what I'm going to be making for NS Coronation's feast A&S competition. A couple dry runs are good things!! I got the recipe from Traveling Dysshes by Siobhan Medhbh O'Roarke & Cordelia Toser (thanks for the book ladies!!). I used the redaction by Cordelia, but I will need to work on out for myself for the competition. Here is the original recipe:

Blanch almonds & beat them , & strain them fine with good thicke Creame. Then put in Sugar & Rosewater, and boyle it thicke. Then make your paste with butter, fair water, & the yolks of 2 or 3 Egs and so soone as ye have driven your paste, cast on a little fine sugar, and rosewater, and harden your paste afore in the oven. Then take it out, & fill it, & set it in againe, & let it bake til it be wel, & so serve it.

The only thing I didn't have (and couldn't find at my local grocery store) was rosewater, but I will make a point of getting some for the next go. I took this to Lupercalia this weekend, and subjected my innocent friends to try it - to positive reviews! So looking forward to coming up with my own redaction.

Thing 21 - Focaccia bread
At Lupercalia, I took a basic breadmaking class (since it never hurts to have a simple recipe!) and made 2 loafs of herbed focaccia bread. Very fun and easy to do! We didn't use a set recipe, but just did things by "feel". I never really did this much before so I was happy to get a bit of guidance by the class's teacher. It turned out really nicely, and it was great to have fresh, warm bread at an event.

Thing 22 - Breadsticks
I made breadsticks to build on the bread class from Saturday. Used the same recipe as the class, but brushed on a bit of olive oil mixed with garlic powder. Yummy right from the oven, but a bit hard and crunchy the next day. They went great with spaghetti though!

thing-a-day, a&s, cooking

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