Happy Holidays!

Dec 26, 2007 09:30

I hope everyone had as good a holiday this year as I did...and from reading my friend's LJs this morning, I'd say you all did for the most part.

My Christmas weekend started with a trip to Grandma & Grandpa's house in Wausau, WI on Satuday morning. We got there a bit later than we would have liked, but it was VERY good to see them and have quality card playing time with them. :) A visit to them wouldn't be complete without a couple games of 13! They are doing MUCH better than I expected to see them. Our last visit with them was over Labor Day, and I had a hard time imagining them to last another couple Christmases. Now I'm not so sure. Grandpa has most of his hearing back and the phenomia he fought this summer seems to be complete gone finally. Grandma had surgery on her eye for cataracts earlier this winter, and she seems to have gotten almost all of the 30% increase in vision that her Dr. had predicted for her.

Sunday afternoon, the hubby & I headed down to my parents' house in Madison. Even though the roads were full, the snow was falling & the wind was whipping around, it was a pretty uneventful trip. I did take about 100 pictures out the car windows over the 4 hours we were on the road. Brrr. Looks very cold! I'll get some of them posted so you in warmer climes can appreciate your weather! :)

My parents are doing well, as is my brother. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve & Day with them. Every year, they have a gathering of whatever family is in Madison on Christmas Eve night after church, and this year was no exception. It was a smaller gathering than past years, but still very nice and fun. They invited a friend of theirs from Hong Kong who is returning home after being it the US for the last 4 years of so while she got her degree in Finance. Vicky seemed to really enjoy herself, and she was a great addition to our gathering.

We headed home around 11:00 Christmas morning after the presents were all opened so my parents and brother could head up to the Grandfolks for a couple days with them. The roads were DEAD which was very nice. After we got home, we discovered White Christmas was playing for free at the local movie theater, so we ran over to that, and enjoyed it for the first time on the big screen. Unfortunately, the movie was shown in one of their smaller theaters, and the film was a bit too big for the smaller screen. An interesting juxaposition. Course the most interesting bit of watching it projected on the movie screen was all the splices they had to do with different reels of film to get one watchable film.

We had a wonderful weekend + Holiday. Hope all you did too!!


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