After reading the article on the British Museum's website on
Embroidered Bookbindings, and zooming in on the images they have in their online collection, I have decided that I'll need to learn how to couch. Luckily, someone on one of my email lists provided these great websites on this style of embroidery last night! :)
- "Couching", from the STITCH with the Embroiderer's Guild stitch guide includes a clear line drawing of a couched cord, and a brief explanation of how couching works.
- "Couching or Simple Laid Work", from Inaminuteago includes a clear photo of yarn couched with contrasting thread, a slightly longer explanation of how couching works, and some comments on its use in the Middle Ages.
"Couching", from the Classic Stitches "Know How" section features illustrated step-by-step instructions for traditional couching.
Thanks to Coblaith Mhuimhneach for these annotated links!
So far I've only done some split stitching embroidery, but couching doens't look too difficult to learn. At least, that's my hope!