May 02, 2008 13:34
i got my bike all tuned-up yesterday. i rides like a dream. i equate the summer with a speedy clean bike and so even though it's raining and cold, it seems like summer in my head.
the tune-up cost me a bit more because i had to replace my wheel. it was dented, presumably from when i got hit by a car last week. this lady t-boned me while i was riding in the bike lane. i fell to the ground and was pretty shaky and couldn't stand up right away. it looked much worse than it actually was. a bike courier called 911. the police, fire trucks, and EMS came. i wasn't injured though, just a bit slow and shaky. the lady got charged with some sort of driving infraction. if i don't go to court her charges get thrown out and she asked if i plan to attend!?!? i don't really want her to get in trouble because i genuinely believe it was an accident, but at the same time, i don't want to disobey my subpoena putting me in a precarious situation (technically it's illegal not to attend court when subpoenaed, though the cop told me it's quite rare to get arrested for this). it would be a bizarre turn of events if i got a ticket or a charge and the woman who hit me with her car was completely free to go without demerits or having to pay for my dented bicycle wheel...
in other news, i'm pretty excited about may. i am going to the sasquatch music festival in washington state. this means i will be also be in vancouver, albeit briefly. so, vancouver peeps, you're on notice!
i am also hoping to go to new york city (exciting!!), but i still need to work this out...