(no subject)

Mar 18, 2007 22:16


1. Name?

2. Age?

3. Location?
Computer/tv room

4. Profession?


1. Highest level of schooling completed? (high school, associates degree, etc.)
I'm in my junior year, sillies.

2. What is your area of interest (what did you major in, what was your favorite subject, etc)?- Law, Government.

3. Do you plan on going any further with your education?
De de dee.


1. What do you hope to accomplish by the end of 2007?
Get back to a 4.0

2. What do you hope to accomplish in the next five years?
Be on my way to law or medical school.

3. Would you like to get married/ Are you married?
Not for a long long long long time. Perhaps never. Perhaps in seven years. Who the hell knows.

4. Would you like to have/adopt children?

5. What is the one thing you'd like to do before you die?
Just one?! Well, go to the spot in England where Anne Boleyn's head was chopped clean off.

6. What is one thing you'd like to learn before you die?

7. Have you ever given up on a major goal? If so, what?
No. I don't believe that would be wise.

8. Have you accomplished any of your major life goals? If so, what?
Not quite.

9. Are you where you were hoping to be five years ago?


1. What is the one thing you fear most?
Dying without doing everything I possibly can.

2. Do you have any phobias? If so, what?
Falling down stairs, breaking my neck.

3. Have you ever experienced deep down, bone-chilling fear? If so, when? What happened?
Yes.... I don't really remember when. I think I was a child, and it was a horrible nightmare.


1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how interested in sex are you usually? 3 or 4

2. What usually sparks your sexual interest in someone?

3. How many people have you had sex with?

4. Do you regret any sexual encounters?
Only a few.

5. How often do you initiate sex in general?
Not very often.

6. Do you prefer to sleep with men, women, or both?
Oh you know.... men! Duh.

7. How willing would you say you are when it comes to the idea of having a threesome or group sex?
ummm..... ; ) Jk. I don't think that is something I'd be interested in.

8. When did you experience your first orgasm?
Wow. I don't quite know if I've ever had a good one.

9. Do you masturbate? If so, how often?
No. I can't bring myself to do it.

10. What is your favorite sexual position? Why?
Personally... standing is fairly enjoyable. (And these questions are quite.... intrusive. Oh  well)

11. What are your feelings on pornography? Is it okay for your partner to look at pornography/read erotica?
Pornography is not for me. Read erotica is probably ok, but if they want to look at things... hopefully they're thinking of me when they do. :)

12. Has someone ever actually "rocked" your "world"?
You know..... no.

13. Finally, what is your favorite fantasy?
Harry Potter. haha. I don't actually think I"ve taken the time to create a sexual fantasy. Want to make one with me?


1. Are you good at keeping secrets, your own or someone else's?

2. Is there anything you wish you could tell someone but are afraid to do so?
Not really.

3. Who do you tell your secrets to?


1. Is there any material thing that you want desperately right now?

2. Is there anyone you want (and not just in a sexual sense) desperately right now? If so, who?

3. Foodwise, what are you craving?
Dessert. Like always. It's a wonder I'm not fat.

4. If you could make just one wish come true, what would you wish for?
Free college.

5. Sexually, what are you craving?
A sweet kiss.


1. What is your religion? If you associate yourself with a specific religion, what are your beliefs when it comes to the creation of the world, etc.?
I have an idea. I don't really know what is real. There are so many different beliefs and ideas out there, it's kind of silly to limit myself to just one at this point.

2. What is your political stance? Why?
Get involved. Because it's the only way you can make a change.

3. Do you agree with abortion? Why or why not?
I am ProChoice, yes. It's kind of sad, but our population is already way way way too large anyway, and if someone wants to correct a mistake... then go them. But, it could be better to just have it and give it up.

4. Capital punishment? Why or why not?
There are plenty of things we can do to someone and not kill them.

5. Assisted suicide? Why or why not?
No. That's murder. If someone wants to kill themselves, then let them do it by themselves.

6. What kinds of issues do you feel strongly about? What are they and why?
Censorhip and Gay Rights. (Go gays! *wink*)


1. Food:
Name it.

2. Color:
Green, Purple.

3. Person:

4. Item of clothing:
Oh man... umm.... everything.

5. Beverage:

6. Quote:
Not quite sure at the moment which is my favorite.

7. Location:
My mind. ... sometimes.

8. Non-sexual fantasy:
I become a senator by age 30, and work my way up.

9. Hobby:
Dance, sing, act, perform. :)

10. Day of the week:
All of them.
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