Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The summer solstice issue of Sekhet-Maat Lodge’s official journal, “Lion & Serpent,” is now available. Contents include:
- Gugalanna by Hals Reynolds
- An Account of the Season by the Editor
- Sex Magick by Pentecostal Thelemite
- Capybara by Liv Rainey-Smith
- The Great Hymn of the Aten by Pharaoh Akhenaten
- Transmutation of Meat and Drink by Fr. Peredur
- The Starry Sky by Sr. Theodora
- Mr. Clown by Andropos Troy
- Liber LXV Series (part 4) by Dathan
Printed issues and free PDF downloads are available via
L&S homepage.
Love is the law, love under will.