Mar 26, 2007 05:47
So, time for another late-night post. Things have been okay this semester. I've really enjoyed have Intro to Art to take my mind away from the everyday, mundane schedule I seem to fall into. I've also started playing World of Warcraft, and it's eating up a ton of my time. On the relationship front, looks like things between Susan and I are getting more serious. A few days ago, she brought up the possibility of spending the summer in MD with me if she found a job near Silver Spring. I'm really hoping we can pull that off. It's been over seven months since we last saw each other, and it's starting to be a real problem in the development of "us." In case any of you that chance upon this post are wondering, Susan is someone that I met this past summer while working at camp. We instantly clicked as friends, and a more romantically-involved relationship started developing after camp finished. I don't want to jinx myself, but I think she's the person I've been looking for. I mean, we make each other laugh, we can tell when the other is stressed out and needs cheering up, but most of all, we know when to prod each other when we're worrying about something. I miss her terribly, and I know she misses me too. I just hope the distance doesn't tear us apart.
Wow, didn't expect to get all mushy with this one. But I guess I had to get it out somehow. Well, you know how to reach me, even if it's by replying to this post. 'til next time...