Dec 08, 2008 19:11
I seem to have missed a week of updates, apologies. Though again, I have to lay the blame on World of Warcraft because my guild has been doing instances to get people gear so we can run some of the raids. This last week we actually downed Wrath's version of Onyxia, and the first few bosses in Naxxramas (both 10-man versions). So we're making decent progress there. I also ended up getting a third character to 70.
In non-WoW news I've put in some time for Left 4 Dead which is a nice co-op shooter, as long as you're looking for pure shooting at hordes of zombies - and not something more complicated. Great for an hour or three on a weekend with friends. Prince of Persia also came out and has proven entertaining. The new Prince is a snarky bastard, but voiced really well so it works. And Elika, your compainion, is, in a word, awesome. Sorry Fable 2, you tried to make me care about the dog, but Elika is the one who won that battle. I care far more about her then some stupid mutt. Course, I don't really like animals, so take from that what you will.
Also been poking at Infinite Undiscovery which seems to take traditional turn-based party combat and add a squad-based twist to it. You don't control people directly, just squads that you set up and configure out of battle. Aside from glaring technical issues (texture pop-in, frequent stuttering, etc) it's proven to be enjoyable.
Anime is, yet again, rather sparse, just keeping up with the new releases with nothing new to report. However Christmas vacation is coming up, part of which will involve vistiting with extended family (since immediate family is a little far away for my budget this year). So more anime DVDs may be watched then.
And that pretty much covers the week. See you later.