Nov 08, 2004 10:39
so here's what's happened so far:
my alarm didn't go off, BUT i managed to wake up on time. showered, headed for the kitchen to make my lunch and get ready to go to work. made my lunch, got my coat, went to grab my keys and my bus pass, which i had left on the table last night. BUT my bus pass wasn't there. i was CERTAIN i had left it there, but i tend to misplace things, so i looked EVERYWHERE for it. i tore up my room, i checked all possible pockets, NOTHING. so i decide i have to leave or i'll miss the bus. as i'm walking down the back stairs to go to the bus stop, i HEAR the bus go by. i'm like, SHIT. so i decide to run upstairs and check one more time. again, NOTHIN. so i leave AGAIN to hustle to the T, and as i'm walking up the hill to the T stop, THE TRAIN GOES BY. i'm like, ARE YOU KIDDING????? so i start running, to try to get there before it leaves the stop. but seeing as there were a ton of cars barreling down Beacon Street, i decided it was probably not the best idea to run out into on-coming traffic. so the train pulled away. i walk over to the little hut at the stop, and slam my bag down, to the surprise of a woman who got to the hut at about the same time as me. so seeing as how i didn't want to ruin her day by fuming in there next to her, i walk away, and try to call one of my supervisory people at work to tell them that i am having a CRAPPY morning, and i will be late seeing as it is 9:45, and i should be at work in 10 minutes. i call one number, and get a woman who is someone's assistant upstairs, and is clearly NOT the person i meant to call. then i call another number, i can't understand what the person says who i call, but i think it might be Sandi. so i just say hi, it's sarah, i'm having the worst morning ever, and i'm running late, just wanted to let you know. the person on the other end says, ok..., and i'm like, ok, bye. (turns out is was Dani who i talked to, not Sandi, but i think she told Sandi.) the T came a few minutes later, i got on it, and i actually got in to work at 10:06am. not bad. but the whole way i was fuming about my stupid bus pass, and how i had to spend $1.25 to get to work this morning when i had already spent $31 for the friggin pass, and how i don't have much money in general, so that REALLY ticks me off...
and the kicker? i got in to work, sent an email to my roomates to see if one of them took it by mistake(preferable to losing it altogether, but still really annoying). and one of my roomates DID take it. she didn't even realize it until i sent the email. why is that so horribly annoying? because i borrowed her pass last week before i got my new one for the month to get to my friend's house to watch the election returns; and even though i stayed over there later than the last bus, and so slept over and COULD have just gone straight in to work the next day, INSTEAD i got up at the ass crack of dawn, having had VERY little sleep, took an HOUR trip home on THREE different forms of transportation so that i could get home before she had to leave for work so she could get her bus pass. UGH. i am SO annoyed. i know she just wasn't paying attention, but ARGH. RUINED MY MORNING.
also, i worked most of the day yesterday starting the tour guiding gig that i will be using to keep my income at a decent level over the off-season. worked 10:30-4:30, and got TIPPED $14. that was a really nice surprise! i wasn't even LEADING the tours! i was trailing, and helping people who needed help getting around--wheelchairs, canes, etc. but i think i somehow threw out my hip doing tours, or maybe while sleeping, though i don't have any idea how. and today work is HORRIBLY boring. then i am also working a program tonight for Leapfrog until about 9 or so. so i will miss the end of the Fellowship of the Ring on the WB. BOOOOOOOOOOO. ah well. i should just get over all of this, but i seem to be too tired for that.