Hey guys! I'm back with another SVR post! Like I mentioned before, I'm speed posting so that I can be done with Round 2 and put the pictures on my external hardrive. But yeah, only 3 houses left, including this one!
This is a post about the second Smith house- where Johnny Smith, athlete and police officer extraordinaire lives with his (pregnant) wife Ophelia, who works in Education and their best friend Ripp Grunt. Johnny and Ophelia already have one son, Nigmos Smith, who will go by Iggy.
Ripp is always entertaining at the house. he has a bunch of friends so I'm always having to make sure that the relationships don't decay. I also enjoy watching him bust a move. X_X
As usual, click the cut for more.
[Previous Smith 2 Post] Like I said, I really like the bust a move interaction. Easily gets the most relationship points of any interaction and with one or two I can get relationships back to 100.
The kids from my first group are all close, and Ripp and Jules are no exception. Jules and Ophelia are best friends as well, and I always have them hanging out. I feel like Jules and Ophelia are always pregnant as well.
Here's Johnny with Iggy. Iggy takes after Phi in every way, he got most of her facial features and her skin/hair color. Both of them have green eyes.
The living situation with Ripp/Johnny/Phi is a little strange, but I don't worry about ACR anymore. Ophelia and ripp did have a Thing once upon a time in college, but she caught him cheating and it ended badly. But she still occasionally heartfarts over him. *sigh*
Like I said, bffs.
Even though he's a (successful) Romance Sim, he's good "uncle" as well. he and Iggy get along.
Which is hard to do, since Iggy is as temperamental as his father. I think he's so precious, and he's special to me, being the first born of one of my favorite couples and all.
And even though Phi is pregnant she makes sure to spend time with her son. I knew Ophelia would make a good mother.
Jill came over too. I feel like Johnny is like me in the sense that he and Jill are never really going to be friends, Johnny is too much of an older brother to try and connect with Jill on a personal level. He'd watch her and tell her to be good and get good grades but he'd never actually hang out with her, you know? Oh well. Not everyone can be bffs with their siblings.
Ophelia is a true Sim and manages to give birth in the bathroom. I wasn't even surprised.
Anyway, they had a girl! I was so happy. I named her Rose, she got blond hair and green eyes, but as you can see, she got Johnny's skin! I was happy.
Ophelia handed over the baby and went to hang out with Ripp. oh
But I think that Johnny and Rose will have a special connection, since she got the alien skin and all. I totally see Johnny as an overprotective father, especially when it comes to his little girl.
I loved the SWAT uniform from the base game, and Johnnny rocks it.
Unfortunately, he got sick. :/ I completely forgot about Grandma's Comfort Soup tbh, I just let Johnny lie in bed for a few days.
meanwhile, Ripp finally got to the top of the Music career! I was so pleased. He got his LTW so now I don't have to worry about him anymore.
I had Ophelia give Jill a few snapdragons for the Burnt House at LFT. Keep an eye on the snapdragons, soon they'll be everywhere.
As usual in Sim posts, it was Iggy's birthday.
I decided his color was brown since he autonomously grew up into this outfit, which is super cute. You can see his resemblance to Ophelia is more pronounced.
Bottom and Vidcund were at the party, it was cute to see them interacting.
It was an awkward moment when Ophelia walked in on Ripp and Briar right before they were going to do it.
I think I cancelled it out because omg no, Briar is not sleeping her way through the Grunt family. I love the girl and respect her all the way, but sleeping with two brothers and the father is just creepy.
I seriously love the way the witches fly everywhere. Expect to see more of Jill's adventures throughout Round 3.
Once Johnny recovered he made it to the top of his career as well! CAPTAIN HERO
This picture amused me. Iggy likes jumping on people's beds and this made him look reptilian, in a way? idk he looks like a little lizard here.
I didn't throw a party for Rose's birthday.
But she grew up into a cutie as well! I love her already. She got (literally) all of Ophelia's facial features, and Johnny's nose. I didn't fix her though, she'll grow up to be pretty and unique~
Here's the requsite after birthday picture. Two kids later and they're still in love and I still love them.
Iggy is also still close to his uncle.
Surprisingly, Ripp rolled the want to get married to Miranda! They are my Romance Sim OTP, but I don't like them together anymore. Both of them are enjoying their lives too much, and I wouldn't want to ruin it by having them forcibly settle down.
Iggy brought home Borgia Gieke, and they are so cute together. Not as a couple, obviously, but by the time the day was over they were at like 100/30. NEW BFF ALERT.
Also, I really like the way it looks when they have water balloon fights. :]
And now I leave you with this weird picture- Ripp invited over Andromeda for sex and Ophelia came downstairs and then they both just stared at him- it was so odd. you can only imagine the filthy things he's thinking about!
Next time- Monty 2 forreal! WILL LOLA GET WHAT SHE WANTS?