People smarter than me have made connections between the raising of a garden and he raising of a family. it takes time, care and love for both to become mature, etc. I get it. That doesn't mean I like it.
this is a Capp-Gieke post- in case you forgot, Bianca Monty married Chester Gieke and had kids with him, and she continued to live with her best friend, Kent Capp, and his husband, Cyd Roseland, and his kid, Lear.
As usual, click the cut for more.
Previous Capp-Gieke Post]
Chester makes such a good autonomous father, it pleases me.
Emilia and Lear are best friends, which is good, but it's a little strange. Emilia is an enigma, I can't figure her out for the life of me. She's nice enough, but i don't know what makes her tick, so to say. Lear is all intensity, anger and athleticism and brains, but Emilia is strange.
I was making parallels between gardening and parenting but both are full-time jobs and Bianca doesn't spend much time with her kids. I didn't make her into a plantsim because she's not from Strangetown but if anyone needs it, it's her. She sends all her time in that big garden, by herself. NO ONE HELPS HER.
Bianca and Chester have another daughter, Borgia. As you can see, she is... unfortunate. She grows into it, but I'm glad she and Emilia aren't clones.
Kent spent all his time skillbuilding and finally maximized his skills. Now it's time to get a job1 (They both have Family Money, so basically only Chester and Cyd work. But now Kent is going to work too.)
Unfortunately for me, Bianca and Chester's love lie was still very active, and they ended up trying for baby again, resulting in yet another pregnancy. at this point I just wanted to see if they would have a boy that looked like Bianca so i let her keep it.
I regret that decision today.
Lear, meanwhile, remained a child prodigy and maximized her creativity skill. She's amazing. She doesn't have a single playful point, either, she's 0 serious and she managed to do it. that's dedication.
Kent and Chester also found the time to become friends, which is nice as well. I love it when guys have platonic friendships.
Bianca finally got her gold badge, here she is talking to a tree.
I then sent her to meditate for her pregnancy.
Cyd fulfilled his LTW. i always forget about Cyd, since he doesn't o much. he's mostly around to be Kent's husband since he lacks a personality of his own.
you can see Borgia grew up, and at this point I started liking her. She rocks that bun like nobody's business, and her color is pink. She's almost as intense as Lear but in a good way.
Lear and her stepfather bond over sports, which I think is her OTH. Either that or Fitness.
Lear cheats at chess. She has no nice points, so it doesn't surprise me, but Emilia literally never catches her.
On Saturday I invited over their cousin Edgar, who will be going to college with the girls (they'll be teens soon) and Hexameter.
Edgar continued to stalk Hex and ignored his cousin.
Borgia is proving to be unlike her shy sister, and quickly became friends with Troy Loste.
At some pint in her pregnancy, Bianca was attacked by bees. I didn't really care, but it was funny to see a pregnant woman running around screaming (omg i'm evil for that sentence aren't I?)
Eventually Bianca gave birth to yet another girl who i named Jessica (which Shakespeare used but it the most basic name ever.) Jessica has proven to be my least liked Sim ever. i think the only time I paid attention to her was when she was born, ad Bianca and Chester don't really pay attention to her either, considering they never rolled any wants to potty train her or anything. IGNORED BABBY.
My love for Borgia cemented itself when I saw she dreams about herself. She's officially fierce in my book.
I had Bianca stock the fridge so now the food ~sparkles.
And last but not least, Bianca and Chester are officially done with children They both have like 7 days left until elder, and the house is too full for them, so that makes me happy. Maybe the reason they were so fertile is because of that apple statue? idk idk
Happy new year guys! see you on the other side!