I've been playing the Goths for a few days and have made almost no progress... but here, have some picspam! CUT Mortimer is such a little bundle of joy, isn't he? He and his parents all have the Grumpy trait, making them angry as soon as they aren't happy. (They don't feel fair, or bad, etc. they just get ANGRY).
"You're pretty, Bella. Pretty awesome." "Thanks, Mortimer! You're pretty awesome yourself." The very first day I played, Mortimer invited himself over to Bella's house.
I'm glad the "tell secret" interaction is still here, it's cute.
And kids hug properly! I love it.
Bella comes over to Mortimer's house as well. They're true BFF's.
And they do their homework together! It's all quite precious.
Cornelia is also grumpy. I was kind of sad that Maxis starts them off with less than a week until they become elders, so I don't get to enjoy them for long. Cornelia's LTW is to plant perfect plants or something, so I've been scrambling to get her enough gardening skill and Lifetime Happiness to get Super Plants and plant special seeds and stuff. It's exhasuting, to be honest.
Ghosts! This is Victor Goth. I found it odd that the Crumplebottoms are also buired at the Goth house. Why would Cornelia have her parents buried in her marital home? (And yes, that is a laptop he has under his arm.)
They really are just like normal Sims, they even have needs!
I giggled when Gunther was talking to his Mother-In-Law about death and she was thinking about sleep.
When the sun begins to rise, they turn into this weird smoke. It was weird., Cornelia was going to go talk to her mother!
Cornelia running to Stonehenge. Since Sleeping takes 6 years, I zoom in on the ground and lok for collectibles, and when they wake up, I send her to get them. She's unemployed and takes care of her garden.
I took this picture because it's pretty.
Don't be fooled, Gunther isn't nearly as excitable as he looks. If I remember correctly, he's a Brave, Frugal, Grumpy Workaholic and something else. He's cheering because it's his birthday. (And he's not even home- he was visiting Iliana Langerak for his job.)
elder!Gunther. He's so cute.
After his makeover, rocking HP's new skins. i can hardly tell the difference sometimes, but indoors they look great. People say they look splotchy, but I can't tell.
Lolita Goth apparently was electrocuted.
This is the Alto house- Gunther's boss is Nick, even though Gunther is the CEO and Nick is something else. Anyway, the Alto house is SEXY as hell. They get like +75 mood just from being there. (Beautiful Vista and Beautifully Decorated.)
Aaaand, that's it! I thought I had more pictures but I don't. I seem to take pictures of random things instead if important things. Mortimer is a painter, too, he paints all the time and already has 5 skill. He keeps rolling the Illustrious Author LTW, but I don't know, I kind of want him to go into Science like his TS2 self. What do you think I should do?