Jan 31, 2005 00:35
Since I've been back at uni after Xmas I've resolved to have a better attitude and so far *touch wood* it's been a lot better. Only had a couple crying fits in the last three weeks and I think they are justified; for example when I spoke to Hayley on her birthday I was teary after that because I've been friends with her since primary school and have never been so far away from her on her birthday. I wanted to give her a big hug and celebrate but she has new people to do that with, such is life....
In Women's Studies last week we were studying gender and race intersection in the form of autobiography (specific reference to Maya Angelou's 'I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings') and it really inspired me. Of course I'm not an African American who had to grow up in a deeply divided racist Southern state in the 1930s/40s, but I think the healing powers of writing an autobiography are generic. I know I am only 18 but I have been looking back over a diary I started in April 2001 and have realised that even in just 4 years I have changed so much, so I have started writing an autobiography. My plan is that it will not just be some cliche navel-gazing bollocks, but that I can use the memories and experiences, not just from my life but from the people around me at the time and record them for nostalia and posterity, but also use them as a springboard for social and cultural commentary and criticism. I am currently writing the section on 'sex' which is NOT some lurid description of my sex life but about teenagers becoming aware of sexuality and their sexual self, confusion, curiosity and an excuse to poke fun at my former self. I don't expect anyone will ever read it but it helps me with homesickness etc if I've got something therapeautic and ongoing to throw myself into writing.
The Vagina Monologues are coming up (14th,15th and 16th) which I'm really looking forward too :)