Day Five and already behind! But that's okay, because I'll have some time tomorrow to catch up on comments.
Thanks to everyone who is following me on tumblr! I shall follow you back and we can all reblog gif sets together. Probably tomorrow because I am already tired.
I am so not interesting tonight but I had a great weekend of dogs and football and nephew, and now I plan to stay in my house for 3 days straight because OMG, what is this weather? (I know those of you from Minnesota and Wisconsin and the like are laughing at me but I am a delicate flower and am very pathetic wrapped up in hoodies and sweaters and blankets.)
Um, I know! Who remembers bitty fic? I...need to go look up the rules. Hold on.
Okay, I'm back! Last bitty fic was almost 2 years ago? Really? Eugh.
The rules of bitty fic, if you haven't seen them before, is that you give me a prompt of a character or pairing and a word, event, episode, etc., and I write a fic in 10 words, haiku, or limerick. It's kind of lame, admittedly, but you've got a far better chance of getting an answer than you would if we go for the regular drabble prompts, which tend to result in me going, "Oh, this would make a GREAT 20K word fic..." and never getting done. :) Regarding fandoms - for bitty fics, if I know the names of the characters, I can probably cough something up. So fly free.
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