This has been a hard week for reasons I can't even pin down.
wojelah suggested "Bar Detox" and that makes about as much sense as anything. I am still without employ and I desperately miss feeling like a productive member of society (which is not strictly an employment thing - I have no significant other or kids and I could honestly go over a week without speaking to anyone were it not for the internets and
raisintorte, and
reccea) and I have pulled away from LJ this past year for no reason other than feelings of epic fail in other parts of my life. To the point where I am having trouble formulating responses to comments on fic because I feel unequal to their insight. Clearly I am ridiculous. Thus - meme. Stolen from
Ask me about my fics*, anything you've ever wanted to know, like what happens next or what a certain line means or do those characters stay together forever or did I really mean to imply that thing I implied two-thirds of the way in? Anything at all and you'll get an honest answer.
Hit me, yo.