Things I Have Done This Week to Avoid Studying for the Bar

Jul 07, 2011 14:37

You would think I'd want to do nothing but study for this thing considering my track record is Smitty: 0, Bar Exam: 2, and yet.

* Looked up the properties of Uru, Asgardian metal.
* Looked up the history of Galliano.
* Read all of the abortion-related comics on Also Michele Bachmann-related. These things are not related.
* Read that Time article about fanfic.
* Read a bunch of MSNBC articles on things like: "Top 15 Fast Food Failures" "Jobs That Pay More Than $100/Hr", and "Top Ten Greek Austerity Measures."
* Walked through the Kalachakra for World Peace 2011 - by accident, granted, but I could have gone around. Note: Do not try to study at any coffee shops at Gallery Place this week. For a world peace meditation, there are a lot of caffeinated people running around.
* Got roped into participating in another presidential campaign.
* Watched (most of) the 9th Doctor season of Doctor Who, mostly at 4am when I can't sleep.
* Watched Tim Gunn lambast superhero costumes, compliments of ladyvyola here. (This is relevant to your interests, trust me.)
* Rediscovered Twitter.
* Explored extensive tumblrs of Clint Barton and Natasha Romanov.
* Drowned in TvTropes for a while.
* Shopped for dresses for fictional characters on etsy.

I think last week was better, when I cleaned my entire lower level, mowed the lawn, and finished a story that had been in progress for over a year.

bored, links, whining, comics, bar exam mark iii, life, lazy

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