Two Vitally Important Things

Feb 08, 2011 03:05

1) I AM AN AUNT!!! My sister had a baby and I got to hold him and he is awesome. \o/


So I'm up really late and want more baby time tomorrow but OMG, this episode. So much good for reasons I'll hit up later but:

I have been saying that this show presented itself as a mindless explosion-fest so that when it actually does something right BLOWS THE BECHDEL TEST OUT OF THE WATER, we are all impressed. So let's recap:

Julie - not a badass by nature, not a badass by birth. She's an accountant. No one tries to TELL us how awesome she is. She just STAYS ALIVE BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE.

Rachel - Rachel is smart and was once married to a cop but again, she doesn't have training or experience but the VERY IDEA of leaving her daughter behind is NOT ON and she keeps Grace blocked with her body until she gets them both out of the car. Awesome.

Prosecutor, whose name I missed and am too excitable to look up now - Totally passes the Bechdel test with Kono by discussing the witness and the case and really only tangentially the bad guy and then does it AGAIN later with her quick-draw cost-benefit plea analysis to Julie.

Cleaner - Okay, she's a villain and didn't get much screen time and we don't really care about her but she was apparently the person chosen to get a job done if ALL THE MEN FAILED. And she was pretty badass.

Kono - We already know Kono is badass. But she totally did all the detective work in this one AND swooped in to save the day. There were four women in that room at the end. I think the last time I saw four women in a room with no men was on Designing Women.

And yeah, Steve and Danny's couple's check-in, and Steve's mad SEAL skillz and Chin's bike and Danny's Mission were all awesome (and I would say something about being pleased that Stan is not EVIL and just an obstacle to be shunted aside so Danny can have his family back but this is not that post) but the women totally owned this episode.

when we were awesome, hawaii five-0, nephew

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