Because Who Doesn't Love Emily Prentiss?

May 14, 2010 16:32

(Title ironic because I disliked her sufficiently that I refused to remember her name for half a season. SILLY SILLY ME.)

FLIST, I was going to wait until I wrote her a real review to do this, but seeing as that might take me some time and I must share the squee NOW, wojelah has written yet another amazing fic. You're floored, I know.

A Glass of Wine and Thee Criminal Minds, Rossi/Prentiss, NC-17
Part One
Part Two

It was written for this prompt on the Criminal Minds Kink Meme:
"At a college goth party/club, Prentiss has sex with a guy she later recognizes as David Rossi. Either Rossi figures it out later, or she tells him before they sleep together again. Bonus points for Rossi in a priest collar (first encounter) or Prentiss digging out one of her old corsets because it makes her come hard." (Confession: it was my prompt.)

It hits every point perfectly and has an amazing Emily who, in the first part, is young, but the core of the woman we know and shades of the woman she's going to become. And in the second part, there is Rossi, who has pretty much given up on having anything more than he's had in the past but isn't stupid enough to say so. It's ridiculously hot and sweet around the edges and holds an amazing depth of history. Go read!

Completely unrelated, Poll on Female Character Commentfic Meme"> is still open. (Explanation Here) I'm definitely not making a decision before Wednesday which means it would open next Friday at the earliest and last about a week for prompts and indefinitely for filling them.

fic recs, recs, poll, criminal minds, fandom

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