Okay. In retrospect, I really should have just picked a bunch of numbers in GMT and had everyone calculate their own time and go from there. That said, let's try this.
I'll start up a Google Wave at 5pm EST, Saturday January 9, 2010.
So that's Saturday night for my fellow east-coasters, at least the beginning of it, 2pm for our compatriots on the Pacific, and 11pm in Germany. Which is kind of late for you guys, for which I apologize.
delurker, in Melbourne you're about 16 hours ahead (dratted math) so that makes it like, 9am on Sunday, which roundly sucks. That said, I expect it shall go on for a few hours if you want to jump in or if you want to wait for a later one.
Assuming all goes well, we do not break Wave, and I wake up at a decent hour and hang around the house instead of going off to buy shoes, I will try to have a Sunday afternoon chat at 2pm EST.
This is a fairly good site for figuring out your timezone according to your nearest large city. mine is Washington DC, so you want to do the math from there.
Also, holler if you have problems or it is the correct time and you have not been added - it may just be that I can't find you. Invites have gone out to the four people who indicated they needed Wave - if you haven't gotten them, let me know. I'm smittywing at gmail.
Remember, this is a grand experiment with a beta program I don't actually know how to work all that well. So everyone should be prepared to laugh a lot, screw up at least twice, and - I hope - have an awesome time.
Talk to you tomorrow.