Today is a Good Day

Nov 23, 2009 11:13

Stealing cereta's Five Things That Make Me Happy meme:

1) I have the new Star Trek movie on dvd with the Enterprise construct packaging from Target. I have not busted it open yet because I love how pristine things look when they are shrink-wrapped. I will get over this pretty soon though.

2) Today is potluck day at work! Co-worker J has brought in his beloved crockpot with brats, sauerkraut, and Guinness. I am not sure I can hold out another 90 minutes.

3) Sam/G "summary of their relationship until we get to the point I really want to write" fic has hit 6,500 words, become two stories, and has lost the words "plot goes here." W00t?

4) This is my cat. Not for real, but it totally would be my cat if I brought home a pumpkin.

5) makes my blackberry crash, so I had to go looking for Sam/G fic on the Pit of Voles. Fandom has once more stepped up to my deep and inexplicable adoration for ridiculous portmanteaus (or, as I like to call them "smushnames") by dubbing Sam/GCallen fic as "Salmon" (all the letters are there! They're just...really intermingled, because Sam and G's lives are woven together, right?) and Nate/Kensi is...wait for know this is going to be awesome..."NaKed."

That was totally worth the wait, wasn't it?

ncis:gay, ult!st, fandom, life

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