A few things

May 19, 2009 22:14

First off, THANK YOU to goodisrelative for my diploma (since I won't get my real one until August!) and for the brain-in-a-jar, because I really am in dire need of a spare. ;)

I have spent the day doing clean-up stuff, including filling out my bar application, throwing down with the student loan folks, and rooting around various computers and storage methods in search of the "explanations" I wrote for law school so that I could use them for the bar app. (Stuff about why I left my first college, the one job I was ever let go from, etc.) But I think they were on a flash drive that died a couple years ago, so I'm back to the drawing board. AND THUS:

I am still mooning over my DreamWidth account like the shiny, untouched bauble it currently is. I did change the background color because the black was killing me, but I have a few other questions the more knowledgeable (or adventurous) of you might know.

1) Is there a way to edit the font on the free accounts? Preferably to something san-serif?

2) What happens if I hold off on importing my LJ and use the DW journal anyway? Say I want to import my LJ in a year or so? Will it integrate around the DW posts or will it import the whole journal either under them or over them? What if I crosspost? Does that mean I will get duplicate posts on those entries when I do import?

3) Right now I am thinking about using it as a writing thing - because the entry limits and comment limits are larger, permitting single-post ficcing and/or adequately-sized comment fic. Of course when I post something over there, I would put a link on LJ so people who don't follow DW could wander over if they had interest. Or maybe it would just be better to actually update my webpage? Er, yeah.

4) I am sure I had more questions. When I think of them, I will put them here.

5) Completely unrelated, I feel like it's time for an update of me post. Does anyone else feel it is that time?

dreamwidth, webpage

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