Happy Mother's Day!

May 10, 2009 21:45

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, almost-mothers, wishing-to-be-mothers, kitty-mothers, fathers-who-do-the-mother-thing-too, etc. on my flist and in your lives! I have talked to my mother on the phone and sent her this lolcat. Also, my cat is on the floor, getting high off a catnip pillow because I'm prepping for an exam and have no time to fawn over him. It's true! If you ignore your kids, they really will turn to drugs.

Tami Taylor, Friday Night Lights: I love Tami. She's hot, she's smart, she says what she's thinking, and she takes no crap. Also, I love her relationship with her husband. And did ya'll see the ep where she talked to Julie about having sex? The one in the first season AND the one in the third season? Plus there's the way she steps in for Tyra and Matt when they need a maternal figure.

Corinna Williams, Friday Night Lights: Look, it's not my fault FNL specializes is awesome. Not all the mothers are great, not all the kids even have a mother, but Mrs. Williams is a force to be reckoned with. Even my mom wants to be Corinna Williams when she grows up. (She's 60, so her chances aren't good, but it's the thought that counts.) Corinna raises three kids by herself, takes on extra shifts and jobs to make sure Smash WILL get his ass to college, and rules her roost with an iron fist. Also she gets mad points for having to deal with Smash, who is a good kid but a ridiculous drama magnet.

Teyla Emmagan, Stargate Atlantis: Dude. Do we have to talk about Teyla, 8.5 months pregnant and beating people up with giant sticks? Also, she fights forces of evil with baby in tow. I'm kind of skimping on the descriptions because...dude, she's Teyla. Ya'll should already know.

Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Criminal Minds: We don't actually get to see JJ with the baby much, but she worked with the BAU and trained her temporary replacement right up until she went into labor. Her boyfriend quit his job and apparently moved his entire life from New Orleans to Quantico because her job is just that much more awesome. She dresses the kid in knit booties her mom makes, and customized leather jackets from "Auntie Penelope", wears a ring with Henry's birthstone, and has separation anxiety. Also, she seems to have not gotten around to marrying the father yet, which I think is kind of awesome. (If only that is shows she is taking marriage seriously and not jumping into it for social convention.)

Helen Girardi, Joan of Arcadia: So I probably should have put Aeryn Sun or Janet Frasier in this one, because I've only seen 11 episodes of JoA and they were all in the past 48 hours. *cough* But Helen has struck me because she's human, she's emotional, she's confused, she's funny, her kids are enough to drive anyone to drink, and yet she stays remarkably sane. Her marriage (like Tami Taylor's) is one I admire because she and her husband talk and listen and adore each other, and argue about God and disagree about what do to when their kid (usually Joan) does something insane. They dance in the kitchen and put each other before themselves, and their kids above most everything else. Helen's brave and she's fierce and she is determined to make things work.

I know I am completely someone awesome. So tell me who your favorite fictional moms are, and I will slap my forehead a lot and go, "YES! Why did I not list that person?"

I was going to make a list of my favorite non-fictional mothers in fandom, and then I realized I would have to make a list for my favorite non-fandom mothers on my flist, and I kept thinking of people and I wanted to make sure not to forget anyone so...ya'll are awesome. Ya'll are the mothers I want to be someday. I hope your day is awesome.

when we were awesome

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