I hate my life

May 02, 2009 01:54

Things I do up at 1:30am:

1) Worry about the exam I didn't work enough on today. Fail to have enough of an attention span to actually do anything about it.

2) Take medicine. Because I should be able to breathe if I swallow enough crap, right? (Fucking allergies.)

3) Check my work email. (56 emails since I left on Thursday.) Acknowledge need to become expert on flood plain mapping, mortgages, and the Federal Reserve by Monday morning. Log off before I can actually get anything done because admin wants to restart the computers. And let's not even talk about realizing that the crazy Ron Paul fan I keep blowing off has turned out to be someone...I probably shouldn't have blown off. *headdesk*

4) Cry. What, it doesn't seem like a good option to you?

5) Whine on LJ. Because when all else fails. :)

hatehatehate, whining, cake or death?, clear blue skies, law school

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