WiP Meme! (Part 1)

Mar 02, 2009 02:02

WIP meme, last seen on shetiger's LJ. I am doing the same version she did, which involves completely ignoring the one-sentence rule.

A West Coast Avenger in Prince Arthur's Court - Iron Man/Merlin (Merlin/Arthur or gen)

When a strange man fell from the sky, clad in full plate armor in the Pendragon colors of scarlet and gold, Uther tried to have him killed immediately.

"He may have saved you the trouble," Arthur observed as the court blacksmith(a gentleman named Ferrier), the court physician (Gaius, of course), and the court idiot (Merlin) attempted to liberate the man from the confines of his extremely odd suit.


Untitled - Criminal Minds (Hotch/Rossi)

"You've still got your tie on," Rossi chided, reaching out to hook his fingers in the knot.

Hotch responded by tilting his head back, offering the four-in-hand to Rossi's fingers. If it bothered him so much, he was welcome to deal with it. There weren't a lot of people Hotch trusted that close to his neck when he had his eyes closed, but he'd known Rossi longer than he'd known this paranoia, and it hadn't occurred to him how very odd that action was until he heard Rossi breathe, "Aaron," and his fingertips graze Hotch's Adam's apple.


99% - SGA (McKay/Sheppard)

It never failed to alarm Rodney that the "scientists" the SGC had given, abused the word "prove." Anyone who survived third grade organic chemistry (or Rodney's father) knew that it was impossible to prove anything. *Dis*proving things was one thing - pretty much when your experiment failed hideously, there was no way you were ever going to claim proof. Hence, disprove.

"Look," Radek snapped. "Colonel Sheppard was solid state matter. You touched him with this and now he is that."


Giant Robot Story - SGA (McKay/Sheppard)

"Why do we always assume the giant robot is evil?" John asked rhetorically, because the giant robot was always evil, and Teyla had certainly watched enough Earth movies to know that.


Untitled - SGA (Weir/Sumner)

"Hey," Mack said, coming back into the kitchen and kissing Elizabeth on the top of the head. "Leave me anything? I'm starving." He sat down and frowned at Elizabeth's plate on which still sat a pile of eggs, a slice of French toast, and a blueberry muffin, missing two bites. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," Elizabeth said, getting up and clutching his bathrobe around her. "I'm getting married. I need a moment alone. I'll be back in a minute." And then she went to the bathroom and closed the door. "Oh, my God," she said again.


Burn Notice AU - SGA (McKay/Sheppard, McKay/Emmagan)

"You know spies," Ronon said, leaning back and lifting a mug of ale to his mouth. "Buncha bitchy little girls."

"While your sympathy touches me in the special place," Rodney said wryly, "it's not especially useful in getting myself un-burned. So why don't you just wave off the FBI handlers watching us from the balcony and give me a name."


Untitled - SGA (Weir/Lorne)

"This can't be normal," Elizabeth said, tied to a pole.

"Oh, it's pretty much par for the course," Major Lorne confirmed from his own side of the pole. "More for Colonel Sheppard's team than us, and it's really more of a first contact thing -- "

"Why am I never told about this?" Elizabeth asked. She blamed her pounding heart on the newfound knowledge that her offworld teams were *regularly** tied to poles and threatened with vivisection.

"It usually shows up as 'temporarily detained'," Lorne said amiably, shifting in his bindings.


Slipping These Surly Bonds - SGA/SG-1 (Sheppard/Mitchell)

Cam felt his face go hot. Not many men lived to see the award of that medal and that he was one of them made him feel bad for those who hadn't. "Yeah, back when they thought I wasn't gonna walk again and felt guilty 'bout it. What'd they give you?" he asked, because despite Everett and his guns and Caldwell and his ship, everyone knew that John Sheppard had saved Atlantis.

Sheppard's smile was ironic. "They let me go back."


Part 2 can be tomorrow, when I turn on George and Gracie and figure out what happened to all that stuff I vaguely remember writing but can't currently find. I'm...pretty sure there is stuff out there. I think.

wip, meme, writing

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