SGA 5x19: Vegas

Jan 02, 2009 20:23

Okay, I didn't see the previous episode and I will, it's on my Tivo, I'm just behind and I wish to avoid the negativity that seemed associated with that ep. But I didn't see the leaked version of this one and the response looks pretty positive, which makes me happy. So.

WTF is up with this music? Is there going to be a shootout? Also, nice car, Sheppard.

Wraith! Very CSI of them. Also, Detective Sheppard is badass.

Seriously, yo, I just spent 17 hours watching serial killers in Criminal Minds. I do not feel this is a great change of pace. I do love this. I'm just kind of weird.

Keller: coroner by day, stripper by night? Nice eye shadow, cupcake. Why is everyone in this world not BLIND from the X-Treme sunlight going on here?

Hi Johnny Cash poster! Hi Woolsey! Hello random nurse's ass. What is this, Sheppard's id? His secret holodeck fantasy? His own series of detective novels starring himself as the quirky heroine?

The heavy metal is kind of giving me a headache. The wraith makeup scene is sort of fantastic though. They really are the Marilyn Mansons of the Pegasus galaxy.

This is an entirely freaky episode, ya'll. It will probably be one of my favorites to rewatch when I am ready to rewatch it. But right now it is just entirely freaky.

Okay, raisintorte just told me that the song was, "The Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson and now I find this totally meta and hilarious. My moods, watch them swing!

Oh hey, that Wraith is taller than EVERYONE ELSE in Vegas!

Hi, Sheppard getting frisked. I'll watch that any day. this really how CSI does its photography? I only watch CSI: NY anymore and thanks to Gary Sinese, it is COMPLETELY NORMAL THANK YOU.

The scene where the Wraith goes off the roof and looks up at Sheppard kind of reminds me of Men in Black. I am not quite sure what scene I'm thinking of. And again! The slo-mo! Do they think he is David Caruso?

Sheppard, you can carry a flashlight in your mouth whenever you want, dude. Now. Where is Rodney? I am over this CSI thing.

Hi, Rodney! Also, wow, this Sheppard is a loser. I approve. I especially approve of Rodney being a badass. This Rodney met another Sheppard! I am pleased. Stargate exists! This is definitely going to be my favorite when I have more energy to be excited. Chair! Canadian Rodney is Canadian! Lots more aliens! There's going to be awesome AU fic. Rodney's little hand motions are hilarious. And of course John isn't a fan of Sci-Fi, because Flanigan = Sheppard.

Is that my boyfriend in the background? I THINK MAYBE. (The scene where Sheppard first sees Rodney's pet wraith.)

Okay, that was awesome - Jennifer passing Rodney in the hall and John being all, "2 plus 2 is...huh."

Oh, hey, wow, Zelenka. Way to be awesome. Way to work that suit. Way to...yeah. Anyway.

Oh hey, Rodney's inviting Sheppard to make a booty call. Rock on.

Oh hey. That field medic story is kind of almost that awful story from the whatever magazine they printed that awful story in. Except she was a CIA agent. And it was an awful story.

Oh, Rodney. You are so sweet on John, no matter what universe you are in.

Also, that Johnny Cash poster gets so much play, no matter where they are. I love that he kept Johnny Cash, even though he gave up everything else. And I continue to love his car. Wow. They even brought in the JC MUSIC. I'm impressed. Aw! Sheppard's little smile. Also, Neil Diamond wrote Solitary Man. Cash's cover is pretty awesome though. HI CAR SKIDDING AROUND. *hearts*

Okay, so FYI, I was supposed to go to Vegas this summer and see the Star Trek Experience before it closed, but I just couldn't justify the expense and the timing. SO SAD. Especially now that I know Zelenka missed it too.

Okay the shootout and F-302s closing in are AWESOME. Way to blow up that trailer! Rock on! Also, Sheppard behind the car is very...something. Something awesome, but something.

How is Sheppard walking? Oh, no, he's going to die. Awesome. Way to set up the season finale! Yay! And there is John, dying alone. A solitary man.

Seriously, any guesses on the car make and year?

awesome, sga

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