SGA 5x12: Outsiders

Oct 17, 2008 23:01

Hey, Season 1! Hi Elizabeth! Hi Perna!

Hi, Carson! Still a clone? Aw, he pinched her nose.! Why did no one ever see fit to knock up any of girlfriends? Okay and Ronon doing his little faux punching gig with Carson is adorable. Oh, and hey, Carson has a hottie of his own - Novo. FUNNY STORIES. I love her already.

Screaming = Never good. Wraith drones! No one saw that coming. I guess they didn't bring the air guard.

Also, apparently I just didn't pay attention to the whole Hoffan Plague/Michael plot because I totally didn't recognize half the scenes in the beginning.

I was about to say, this is kind of out of character for the Wraith - no advance warning - but Teyla awesomely pointed out that it was the darts. Go Teyla!

Dude, that guy was just on Sanctuary. Which I really didn't pay attention to, but I need to because I could totally ship Helen/Will.

Sheppard, "You guys are SO not going to turn those people in? Right? RIGHT?" I love our boy. Also, I love that Ronon and Teyla look at a half-dozen Wraith and go, "Oh yeah, that's not heavily guarded at all." Also, Greg House - "Everyone lies!" John Sheppard - "Wraith lie!"

John and Rodney! I love when they plot together. Oh, hey, now there are a few dozen Wraith. That is unfortunate.

Sheppard is developing a strategy. He's really some kind of military idiot savant, isn't he? Also, Wraith lie!

Why have the people of the Pegasus galaxy never pondered these tough ethical questions before? Seriously, why do they not sit around school and say things like, "What would you do if the Wraith showed up and wanted you to give up people who had taken sanctuary with you?"

I have to confess I only kind of know what's going on here. I am clearly going to need a rewatch.

Oh, hey, that dude's a jerkface! Oh, hey, now he's gonna be a dead jerkface!

Oh, dear, now the bad guys have beamed up the scientist guys. Didn't we see this last week?

"Guess that didn't work out so well." Oh, Rodney.

John is opening a can of whup-ass on Jarvis there. Unfortunate for Jarvis.

Carson has angst!

John still doesn't really have a plan.

Okay so I totally wasn't paying enough attention to come up with the idea that maybe Carson is now poisonous to the Wraith, but fortunately I am talking to people who are smart enough to think of that.

Yay Carson! Look at you being all smart and badass! Way to be bad to the bone! (Literally, in this instance.)

Now see, if the show had given us more regular Adventures of Rodney and Carson like this, Rodney's assertions about Carson being his best friend would have gone down better in Sunday.

"Rodney, that you?""Thank god." That's not slashy or anything. Just saying. (I mean okay, for some people that's really not slashy. But I think it's slashy.) Aw, snap, Rodney has to stay on the Wraith ship for a while.

Oh, Mayor Dude. You are so right about the Atlanteans. NO IDEA WHAT THEY'RE DOING. I love that someone in this galaxy has totally called them.

Oh my god. Carson and Rodney in the Wraith dart are hilarious. I am dying here. "But you'd have to get OFF me." Oh, Rodney, you are so testy when you are faced with almost certain death.

Wow. That was one hell of a bang. Like, for serious, yo. Bye, Jervis.

John and Teyla are hot in black. So was Rodney, earlier - wojelah and omglawdork kept mentioning it and while I agreed, I wasn't paying close attention. (Again.) Hi, Ronon! You are awesome.

John, that roll was totally unnecessary. You could have just stepped to the right.

Rodney iz SMRT! Yay Rodney!

I love it when people jump through the event horizon. Because you know they're falling on their face on the other side.

Aw, and now Rodney and Carson are GOSSIPING. They are so cute!

I'll, um, try to be a little smarter next week. (Speaking of next week - dude! How awesome could that be? Or, okay, how awful if they screw it up horribly. Details.)


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