SGA 5x10: First Contact

Sep 30, 2008 22:55

I haven't been keeping up with these, mostly because I'm so completely brain-dead at the end of the week, and a little bit because I'm sulky about the cancellation, but it's Tuesday night and I have popcorn so I thought I would give it a shot. Besides, reccea has assured me the end is discussion-worthy. :)

I *heart* John and Rodney being bitching-buddies. Pretty much I just heart Rodney being put out. And Rodney is put out quite a lot. Hi Daniel Jackson! This is Rodney, your cruise director. Please talk as much about archeology, anthropology, and history as you possible can. We like the bitch!face.

"Janus had lovers?" Yes, Rodney, and old!Elizabeth was probably one of them.

Also, John has a relationship with Todd. nothing. Sorry.

Sheppard has the bridge! "Try not to blow it up while I'm gone." "No promises." Seriously, where is the fic where Rodney is paranoid that Woolsey is John's new best buddy?

Ronon and Jennifer! He appears to have intentions. Toward RODNEY. Yeesh, who is writing THAT story, where Ronon is only hitting on Jennifer to get Rodney's attention? (Seriously, I'm pretty easy. Just give me a few characters and some hilarity.

Wait, did they just find the wall sconces? Yes. Yes, they totally did. Rodney & Daniel as interior decorators. Awesome. Also, hey Rodney? Don't you have some mad music skillz hiding in there somewhere?

Okay, I do not care about the lack of sekrit music skillz, because that was just sciencey awesomeness. I totally bought that explanation. Which tells you about the state of my sciencey skillz.

Fuck. I really did get jossed on the Giant Robots, didn't I? I knew I should have gotten my rear in gear over that story.

"Where's your burly protector?" OH WOOLSEY. I HEART YOU LIKE WHOA. You are writing a speech for a historic day that is undoubtedly going to end VERY VERY BADLY because you are in the Pegasus Galaxy.

I love that John is checking out the new lab and that he's all geeked about the wall. OH NOES. They are MOCKING HIS MENSA. (okay, I love it)

Caldwell! I hope you get to put some smack down, dude. Okay, Caldwell and Woolsey in the same room - omglawdork, let's just say I am totally thinking of you. Ronon is keeping a STRICT EYE on Todd. "Robert who?" "Never mind." Oh Caldwell! You are bald, snarky love. You and Woolsey should have adorable bald old dude sex off-screen.

Aw, Daniel is emo. He and Rodney are cute together. I'm sure there is some great bitter-rival-sex out there and later some grudging-buddy sex?

Chucknician is reading on duty! And Sheppard fell asleep with a book on his chest! I love that my geeky space heroes are big book dorks like me. :D

ROBOTS, yo. Is that a Rings platform. Huh. Not quite. Hi, Teyla!

Oh, hey now. Did those robots just take Rodney and Daniel? Not cool, guys. (Something coming to steal something from Janus' lab a mere one day after Daniel opens it? Convenient. Possibly even explainable - like John activating Teyla's necklace - but I bet there won't be an explanation. That's okay, show! I will love you anyway!)

"So they really took Rodney and Doctor Jackson?" I cannot help but think that Radek's response to John's affirmation would be, "I bet they're sorry now." (Sort of like "The Ransom of Red Chief" by O. Henry.)

Oh, hey. They are going to explain. Go SGA! I feel bad for being surprised when the show does something even moderately sense-making.

"I could have, yes." Daniel, you are such a snarky PITA. I *heart* you too. Next time you should bring Vala with you.

John is totally hoping it's a robot.

Why is no one wearing gloves to operate the power saws on the uncuttable metal? I'm just saying. Also, way to blow it up, John and Radek. Now it's useless. No good to anyone.

Todd is one deep Wraith - feeding on people as self-identity. That could open a whole can of philosophical worms if one was inclined. Which I'm not tonight. Moving on.

John and his "I can too speak science" and his hand-waving = adorable.

Oh, noes! Not the end of the Wraith forever! John will be sad! He and Todd have a "relationship."

The technobabble is strong this episode.

"Unforeseen side effects." Janus, you suck. SUCK.

Daniel trying to reason with the robots is kind of classic and hilarious. And so utterly not working, which makes it even more classic and hilarious. Robot talks! And wants to kill Rodney. Woe.

Rodney called him Danny! Awesome.

Nice special effects, ya'll. OH AWESOME. Now Todd thinks they have BETRAYED him. Also, whoa Todd, that was pretty awesome. I want a set of those stick things. Also, Sheppard will be very disappointed. You guys have a RELATIONSHIP.

Ronon is taking Jen to the armory to get her a gun! Not hide her, not lock her in and protect her by being a strapping manly man, get her a gun. LOVE. He clearly thinks highly of Wisconsin - home of warriors. And cheese.

Chucknician! Also, wait, wasn't John supposed to stay on Atlantis? Does Radek have the bridge? I guess John isn't leaving after all. Explode! Also, yay John! You had a smart idea! "Don't look at the blast!" "You could have mentioned that before." Have I mentioned lately that John Sheppard is never going to be able to father children?

Oh hey. That looked bad.

How can the next episode be the most-talked about ever when no one's seen it and no one knew they wanted to see it until, well, that commercial? Logical flaw, Sci-Fi. Logical flaw.


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