Day of Fail

Aug 21, 2008 12:26

So today is the first day of school. I have made it through one of three classes and I think it's going to be okay, even though the bookstore is full of fail and I have just today acquired books for two of today's classes.

I know I don't have to explain why it's not silly to be so upset about a tv show being canceled, not to you guys. But this is the thing. It's not even that I'll miss the show so terribly. I mean, I'll have 100 episodes to look back on, to rewatch, to play with, and I can write AUs and different endings and prequel fic and whatever else have you. The Stargate franchise gave us an awesome playground and as long as they don't do anything seriously insane, we'll always have that.

This is what I will miss:

- Friday nights at wojelah's house with my computer on my lap, chatting to raisintorte and omglawdork about what's happening onscreen.

- That 20 minutes after the show ends, sheafrotherdon will have a tag up, fixing whatever the show failed to mention that was IMPORTANT, OKAY STUPID FANBOY WRITERS.

- Conversations like these with reccea:

Me: You should watch the season finale. It's awesome.
Her: Maybe. Sometime. I'll get around to it.
Me: OMG. Watch the season finale already. It's AWESOME.
Her: I just feel that they'll never top first season's finale.
Me: Oh, hey, I thought that too and this might not top it but IT'S AT LEAST AS GOOD.
Her: I'll get around to it.
Me: *expires*

Six Weeks Later

Her: OMG! They flew the city! John flew the city! I'm so in love! OMG!
Me: ...Told ya.

- That theoretically, I will see a scene in a vid and can't name the episode and will have to go looking. (This possibly has never happened since the first year I was in SGA fandom and yet.)

- That my flist will go dead for an hour on Friday night and then explode in a cacophony of love.

- That ads for Atlantis DVD sets will not pop up in my Amazon emails after next year.

- That new fans will not come as quickly as they once did. (Okay, Due South still gets 'em, so there's always a chance.)

It makes me a little sad that someone out there doesn't love the characters the way I do - faults and all. It makes me sad that I only got 3 years of this fandom. (Well, four, probably, by the time it's over.) I feel cheated, somehow, because two of those years were law school years, and I had packed schedules and other priorities and I wanted to be able to kick back and enjoy the show and the meta and the fandom. I wanted to read every story as soon as it was posted, and participate in fests and not be tired and on edge and need the show as an escape more than anything else. It's unfair of me, I know, because not everyone got this much time with SGA, and many people don't get this long with a fandom. Some shows are canceled after a season, some of them just aren't good after a season, some shows just don't get the attention they deserve. But I was in SGA long enough to be entrenched, to be comfortable, and I'm resentful of having to be pried from this place.

That's why I'm crushed.

To keep this day from Utter Fail, medie has proposed a love meme, and I am not even about to pretend that I am too modest for it. Love Me.

sga, no love, fandom, cheap beer, law school

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