Strangely, I still do not have an FNL icon.
Stupid show still makes me cry with its awesome Connie Britton and its, "Smitty, this was your high school," set to music opening, and it's AWESOME NEW CREDITS NOW WITH MUD.
BABY GRACE. I totally totally love that name.
"The Saracen." I LOVE IT. Have I mentioned my capslock problem? Also Tyra and Landry are adorable. Still. In their awkward platonicness. Also, I like Tyra's hair shorter. It's cute.
I am a little sad that Julie has the attention problem that I had at her age. (And okay, still have.) But this is not unexpected. Julie's been an only child for 16 years and she's been sheltered. I said long, long ago that I hoped having to deal with Matt's not-so-easy life would help her grow up instead of scaring her off. And in some ways it did, but I'm not terribly surprised that she drifted. She's restless and stifled and has pretty much just enough rope to hang herself.
Oh, gosh, Lyla. I am not surprised by the born-again move - Lyla is eternally searching for someone to define her. Her exchange with Tim is both kind of great and heartbreaking - she's more of herself than we've seen in a while, but Tim is unhappy and taking it out on the world around him. And when Tim is unhappy, he's mean
Okay, Grandma Saracen hugging Coach is FTW.
Man, could they invent a new coach more different than Coach? In some shows I might call it a lack of nuance but I've seen some really atrocious coaching and in a place that takes football as seriously as Dillon, I'm not terribly shocked. Unfortunately it's a bad, bad approach for a team of kids who yearn for love the way these guys do.
Dear Coach: You DO have a choice! You can quit and come back to the Dillon Panthers. Thank you. Love, Smitty.
Oh NOES, Mrs. Coach, don't cry! When you cry, Smitty cries. Oh noes. I don't like it when Mom and Dad fight.
"He is not going to turn my children into Communists." OH BUDDY. I HEART YOU AND YOUR NARROW-MINDED MASOCHISM.
…why is there a flash across my screen that says, "Get your own Tim Riggins."??? Tell me more!
You may have noticed my lack of comment on Tyra's stalker.
Oh, JULIE. I was Julie in a lot of ways, but I was never this bad. Also, Dear The Swede: Landry's concert was better than yours.
Speaking of Landry, he is so going to get his ass kicked.
Oh, OUCH Julie. Not that you didn't deserve it but that still stings like whoa. Especially calling Dad to pick her up. Dude, Julie, Matt is STILL A VIABLE OPTION. GO TO MATT. Let us not talk about how awesome the crying on Dad and the guilt and everything else in that scene was. Because its awesomeness cannot be textually rendered.
Tyra's storyline continues with the what-the-fuckery except DUDE LANDRY. Did you just kill that guy? That? Would be a yes. Oh, hey, there's the bridge from the first episode of Supernatural. OH THEY ARE NOT.
I'm back to not commenting on Tyra's storyline.
So in short, FNL, you still have my heart but I am watching out for Second-Season-Veronica-Mars-ness. Be warned.