I really am going to have to go find a part-time job someday instead of hanging out and playing with my cat on my days off. (We did battle today and I won, so he's off sulking on one of my skirts.) He went to the vet on Monday and was declared the perfect patient and a sweet little guy, and assorted other kind things. By people who obviously don't know him like I do. ;) Also, we tried new food and it is a winner.
Yesterday was
raisintorte's birthday and not only was I not there, but I failed to produce embarrassing LJ posts about how we met or porn. The latter will be rectified, sooner, rather than later, I hope. (I still owe
reccea a birthday fic from 6 years ago. I know.) However, there was a
birthday battle (between the Dalek and Darth Tater, R2-Potatoo, and Spud Trooper toys) over at
raisintorte's journal and it's completely adorkable.
I feel like I should do fabulous things today in conjunction with, or after, working on fic, (of which I have a backlog, surprise) but instead I am curled up with a blanket and entertaining self-indulgent curiosity of, Things I Should Post, or polling Are You Here for the McKay/Sheppard Porn (of which there has been fairly little of late) or Pictures of Me Dressed as Supergirl? (Your vote has already been recorded,
nute.) But I'm too lazy to mess with the poll feature. Woe.
PS: For the three of you here for the Weir/Sumner,
reccea has written a lovely holiday story for
raisintorte's birthday, where they are both sincere and grown-up, and comfortable with themselves and with each other and I *heart* them so.
Make My Life a Holiday.