Apr 26, 2007 02:55
Sci-Fi runs X-Files episodes at 2am on weekdays and since they just hit the 8th season, I decided I was going to show up for the Robert Patrick episodes. (At least via videotape.)
Anyway, point being, I haven't watched the show since the first or second season and after two episodes, I may be pathetically in love with John Doggett. Googling "Doggett fanfic" is probably going to bring up terrifying results, so I shall turn to my first line of fic - the flist. Anything, guys? Slash, het, gen. I'm easy.
Somebody stop me before I start watching Children of Dune.
I have written 5,000 words in two days. No wonder I fail at NaNoWriMo. That's like, the minimum. Only three more scenes to go....
(I am seriously the whiniest in-process writer ever. And student - notice how the number of posts go up as finals approach.)
robert patrick,